Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Neuenheim College <Heidelberg> [Editor]
Der Neuenheimer: the magazine of Neuenheim College, Heidelberg, Germany — 1885

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School News.

The football fifteen is finally made up, ami consists of the

Forwards: Bennett

Mitchell 2
Jones 1
Vincent 2
Barlow 1
Halfbacks.: Kickards
Morrell 1
Threequarters: Dundas
Hasseil 1
Ellis 1
Fullback: Stack

Bennett, Dundas and Hassall 1 were the only caps remaining
from last year. The others are placed in order as their caps were
given them.

We are happy to be able to state that things are, as far as
can be said at this early stage of affairs, looking very Avell for the
proposed school boat-club. A. provisional committee has been formed,
of which Maj. Gen. Drake C. B. has kindly consented to act as chair-
man, consisting of four members, the other three being the Head of
the School, A. B. Catty Esq™ and A. L. Armitage Esqre. Two possible
sites for the boat-house have been inspected, though no decision
has yet been come to.

The plays to be given at the end of term have been fixed upon.
They are Eugene Labiche's ?Embrassons-nous Folleville" and Tre-
velyan's „Horace at the University of Athens". The parts have
already been distributed and the rehearsing may be said to be well
under way.

We hear from our old boys that J. D. Haig has risen thirteen
places in his first examination at Woolwich and that T. Nevinson
has passed his Sandhurst Prelim. W. B. Lane is now clerking for
Mr. Duchworth at Bartholemeus.

A Holiday trip.

On Thursday, the eighth of October, the head-master gave the
fellows a whole holiday on account of two or three boys having passed
their preliminary examination at Sandhurst.

It was a beautiful day; in the morning we had an assembly in
the large School-room, and determined to go for a long walk over
the mountains to a village called Schönau and thence to another
called Neckar Steinach. Well, as I said before, it was a most beautiful
day, so we started from the College about ten o'clock, walking for
some way along the right bank of the river Neckar. After walking
tor a short time we turned off the main-road and tunk a turning up