Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Neuenheim College <Heidelberg> [Editor]
Der Neuenheimer: the magazine of Neuenheim College, Heidelberg, Germany — 1889

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It is with feelings of deep sorrow and deeper
shame that we write the above heading, for, as is
alas too well known the one time Editor of this
Magazine has wofully failed in his duties, or rather
succumbed under the weight of them. One by one
the former members of the Committee fell off, till
only one was left, he struggled manfully through two
numbers, but „dann war es alle". "We have before
us, at this moment an article written by this one
survivor; it opens with „Strick, Strack, Stroh, der
Sommertag ist do". A singulary inappropriate sentence
at this time of the year, when all around the foliage
is adopting the Baden colours, and from the vine-
yards come incessant Böllerschüsse, announcing the
great autumn festival: indeed, we only mention it to
show his good intentions. However we have now
formed a new Committee for the management of the
Neuenheimer, and have fixed the dates for its publi-
cation, thus forcing ourselves to complete the work.
Many changes have taken place at N. C. during the
course of this year; the greatest and most noteworthy
is perhaps the formation of an N. C. Cadet Corps,
of which we give a report below. We wish it all
prosperity and long life. Next in order are the
changes which have taken place in the staff. We have
to record the loss- of Mr. J. G. Tuckey, who has left
the college to take a mastership in England. All
Neuenheimers past and present, who were at one time
or another under Mr. Tuckey, will join with us in
regretting his departure, as both in and out of school,
whether in his kindly efforts to get us to talk Latin
to him, or to row a long stroke, he was equally per-
severing in making the acquirement of knowledge as
pleasant to us as possible. We have to welcome
Mr. A. E. Rüssel of B. N. C. on the staff of masters