Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Neuenheim College <Heidelberg> [Hrsg.]
Der Neuenheimer: the magazine of Neuenheim College, Heidelberg, Germany — 1901

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N.C.F.C. v. The Town.

This, the initial match of the season, was played on the
School ground, on Wednesday, October 17th. The weather,
unfortunately, was very wet, rain falling throughout the
game. These conditions just suited the Town Team, for
their three-quarters are never very good and they have always
to rely on their forwards.

Winning the toss, Neuenheim chose the cemetery end.
The Town kicked off and after a return by Dickie, play
settled down in mid-field for a short time, then Fletcher,
picking up in some loose play, got right away and scored.
A goal resulted. The School now pressed and would have
scored if the ball had not been so wet; in fact it was almost
impossible to pass at all. The Town forwards rushed the
ball to the School 25, and very soon Mr. Garrett, following
up, managed to add another try —the kick failed. Some
mid-field play followed, in which Harris showed he knew
how to stop rushes. Still even his good saves were no good
behind a beaten pack, and the Town just before half-time
scored another try. At half-time the score stood Town 14 pts.
School 0. In the interval which was most welcome, for in
spite of the state the ground was in the pace throughout was
fast, and told on most of the Town team, Priday was seen
speaking to Knyvett and Umbers, and just before the second
half started, put new life into both and they in their turn
" bucked up " the school scrum. The School pressed to start
with, their forwards showing great promise. Once more the
Town pack got away, and from a scrum near the line
Eletcher again scored—the kick failed. Nothing more was
scored, and for the rest of the game the School pressed. The
School three-quarters showed great promise and if the day
had been finer there is no doubt they would have scored