Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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assists Artaxerxes Ochus against Egypt and Cyprus ; his Death,
B.C. 344. Ada. Decline of the Cariari dynasty. League of
Cos, Chios, and Byzantium, B.C. 340. Expulsion of Ada by
Pixodarus ; his ambiguous Policy, and overtures to Alexander
the Great; his Death, B.C. 335 ; his Son-in-law, Othontopates,
made Satrap of Caria. Siege and Capture of Halicarnassus by
Alexander the Great. Bestoration of Ada. Caria assigned to
Asander, B.C. 323. Character of the Princes of Caria; causes
of their Power. Caria held by Antigonus till B.C. 301 ;
afterwai'ds subject to the Ptolemies. Inscriptions relating
to those .Princes. Caria passes into the hands of Antiochus
the Great. Made a Boman Province B.C. 129. Decay of
Halicarnassus ...................................................page 30


Notices of the Mausoleum in Byzantine authors down to the 12th
century. Its first overthrow probably due to an earthquake.
Occupation of Halicarnassus (Budrum) by Knights of St. John,
A.D. 1402, who built the castle of St. Peter out of the
ruins of the Mausoleum. Guichard's narrative of the discovery
of the interior of the tomb in 1522. Credibility of this nar-
rative from internal evidence. Notices of the Mausoleum by
successive travellers—TheVenot, Dalton, &c. Removal of por-
tions of the frieze from the castle by Lord Stratford de Redcliffe
in 1846. Survey-of Budrum by Captain Spratt. Discovery
of Lions in the walls of the castle in 1855 by the Author. His
visit to Budrum in 1856, in the Medusa. Expedition to Budrum
in autumn of same year.......................................page 72


Arrival of the Gorgon at Budrum, November, 1856. Discovery
of the site of the Mausoleum, January 1, 1857. Evidence by
which that position was fixed. Progress of the Excavation.
Equestrian Figure. Western staircase. Alabastron, with name
of Xerxes. Stone at entrance to Tomb. Plan of the Founda-
tions. Correspondence of the dimensions with those given by
Pliny. The Basement. Manner in which the great stone was
fastened. Discovery of four slabs of Frieze. Piers on north