Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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of disorganization, in consequence of the weak
character of the reigning monarch, Artaxerxes
Mnemon, and his war with his brother Cyrus the
Younger. Hence we find satraps and tributary
states throwing off their allegiance in succession in
every part of the Persian empire. Hekatonmus was
appointed commander of the fleet of Artaxerxes,
when that monarch planned an expedition against
Evagoras of Cyprus ;£ hut, having been long dis-
affected towards Persia,8 he not only failed to aid
Artaxerxes in the command intrusted to him, but
secretly supplied Evagoras with money to raise
mercenary troops.11

According to the fragment of Theopompus, whicb
has been cited above, Autophradates, satrap ot
Lydia, was associated with Hekatomnus in this
expedition as general of the land forces. Now
Lydia formed part of the satrapy of Cyrus, from
B.C. 407 till his death, B.C. 401, when it was
transferred to Tissaphernes. Tissaphernes held .this
satrapy till he was superseded by Tithraustes, B.C.
395, who in his turn was succeeded by Tiribazus,
B.C. 393. This latter was for a time replaced
by Struthas, but returned to his satrapy B.C. 388,
and commanded the Persian fleet in the great ex-
pedition of Artaxerxes against Evagoras of Cypi'uS>

f Theopomp. Fragm. iii. apud Fragm. Hist. Grasc. ed. Miillei',
i. p. 295. Diod. xiv. 98.

S Isoc. Panegyr. § 162, p. 74 d. 'E/carojuvwc 8' 6 Kapt'ae iirlaTadfioC
Ti] fizv aXriddg iroXvv ?}8r; xpovov afi<rrr]K£v. This was B.C. 0° >
according to Clinton, I". H. ii. p. 2S6.

h Diod. xv. 2.