Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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possession of Halicarnassus, which seems to have
been then called Mesy.

The position was one of great importance for the:
maintenance of their naval power in the Archi-
pelago, and they therefore at once commenced
building a castle on the rocky peninsula in the
harbour. This fortress, named after St. Peter, was
constructed by a German knight, called Henry
Schlegelholt, out of the ruins of the Mausoleum.

The first materials made use of would naturally
be the marbles from the upper part of the edifice
which were lying in situ detached by their fall, such
as the steps of the pyramid, the architrave and
slabs of the frieze. As the ruins were thus gra-
dually cleared away, and the tomb- became more
accessible, the stylobate and marble facing of the
basement would be stripped off, till nothing of the
edifice remained but the solid core of the masonry.

It will be shown in a subsequent part of this
work, that, though the castle of St.'Peter was com-
menced about the year 1402, by Schlegelholt/ its
fortifications were extended and repaired from
time to time during the period of rather more
than a century, while it was held by the Knights.
Through all this time the ruins of the Mausoleum
must have supplied both stone and lime for the

In 1472, when Cepio visited Budrum in the
expedition of Pietro Mocenigo, the remains of the

.f Fontano, the contemporary of Schlegelholt. in speaking of his
work at Bndrum, uses the expression "struere coepit."—Do Bello
R-hod. ed. Hag. 1-527, ii. k. 1.