Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Excavations on eastern side. Discovery of archaic terracotta,
dagger, and soros. Reasons for thinking that the platform of
the peribolus occupied the site of an ancient quarry and cemetery.
Votive terracottas in the soil. Eastern peribolus wall. Exca-
vations to the south of Quadrangle. Staircase. Discovery of
fragments of wheel and of culossal horse. Wall on south side j
its probable purpose. Unsuccessful attempt to find southern
peribolus wall ; its probable line. Form of the peribolus
described by Hyginus. Approach to the Mausoleum from the
Agora, probably by a flight of steps. Ground to the west of
the Quadrangle. Fragments of Pyramid steps in house at the
south-west angle of Mausoleum. Stele representing Apollo and
Dionysos. Reasons for thinking that the staircase on the west,
and the great stone at its foot, mark the entrance to the royal
sepulchral chamber. Subterraneous galleries round the Qua-
drangle. Lower gallery for drainage of Mausoleum. Upper
gallery ; its three branches. Point of intersection of one of
these branches with stair on south. Adjacent sepulchral cham-
bers. Discovery of large sardonyx in upper gallery. Reasons
for considering this gallery anterior to the Mausoleum. Varieties
of its section in different places. Gallery F. The site of the
Mausoleum originally a quarry. Tombs. Other instances of
ancient quarries which also served as cemeteries. Character
of the hill out of the base of which the site of the Mausoleum
is cut.

Up to this point in our excavations the east part
of the platform had not yielded any remains of
sculpture in the lower soil, with the exception of
an isolated fragment of a lion's shoulder, found
at a great depth near the wall described in the