Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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inches are usually given, for the purpose of con-
veying a clearer idea to the reader.

I cannot claim for this restoration the merit of
originality, since the general character of the edifice,
and especially the form of the pyramid (which is
the key to the whole structure), were previously
determined by Lieutenant Smith ;a but, after having
revised the evidence, and fixed the position of each
architectural member, I submit that this restoration
appears to afford a satisfactory solution of the
problem which has for years engaged the attention
of architects and archaeologists, inasmuch as it can
be reconciled in all essential points with Pliny's
description of the Mausoleum.

Had not this description been extant, anything
like a correct restoration would have been an impos-
sibility, as neither the character of the design, nor
the magnitude of the work, could have been inferred
from the existing remains.

The simplest mode of placing before the reader the
evidence on which the present theory is based, will be
to put together the whole structure, stone by stone,
describing the size and characteristic marks of each,
and giving reasons for their respective positions,
with reference, as occasion may require, to Pliny's
description, of which the following is a translation.1'

a See Lieut. Smith's official report on this subject, in " Papers
relating to the Excavations," pp. 17—21.

11 Nat. Hist, xxxvi. 5, § 4, ed. Sillig. Hamburg, 1851. Scopas
habuit icmulos eadein ostate Bryaxim etTimotlieum et Leocliaren,de
quibus simul dicendum est, quoniam pariter caslavere Mausoleum ;