Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Description of the sculptures of the Mausoleum. The two statues
found with the steps of the Pyramid. Other torsos ; heads
and fragments. The lions. The frieze of the Order. Two other
friezes. Reliefs in panels. General theme of the sculpture ;
how far to be inferred from existing remains. Connection of
the myth of Amazons with the early history of Caria. The
quadriga probably a symbol of the reception of Mausolus among
heroes. Analogous representations on "Roman imperial coins.
General character of the sculptures of the Mausoleum. Their
correspondence in style with our preconceived notions of the
school of Scopas. Head of Mausolus an early example of the
Ideal portrait. The sepulchral chambers within the Mauso-
leum. Their contents probably similar to those deposited in
other royal tombs, such as the Koul Oba and the sepulchi'e of

It has been the object of the preceding chapters
to place before the reader, in a digested form, all the
evidence relating to the architecture of the Mauso-
leum which we could obtain, either from ancient
authors or from discoveries in situ, and to show
how this evidence has been applied in solving the
problem of the restoration.

All that relates to the structure of the edifice
having been thus fully discussed, this seems to be
the place to offer a few critical remarks on the
remains of sculpture found in situ, which have
been from time to time noticed incidentally in the