Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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hill to the north of the Mausoleum on which the
theatre is situate is covered with rock-cut tombs,
for which the tufaceous rock afforded great faci-
lities. On the east of the town, at a place called
Kislalik, is an extensive cemetery, the tombs of
which mark the line of the ancient road to My-
lasa, and extend as far as the foundations of a
second line of fortifications on the east, which is
marked on the plan in dotted lines.

On the opposite side of the city, the course of
the ancient way leading to Myndus may be traced
by groups of tombs on each side.. Both these
cemeteries were partially explored by me in exca-
vations, an account of which will be given in a
subsequent place. Other tombs may be seen on
the rocky ground south of Caplan Oalessy, and
near the church of Hagios Georgios on the opposite
side of the bay.

Budrum abounds in ancient reservoirs cut in the
rock, and fed by subterraneous aqueducts, into
which the rain-water was conducted by earthen
pipes and square shafts.

This system of drainage must have insured a
constant supply of pure cool water in the hottest
weather, and must have intercepted the torrents
which now in rainy weather descend with headlong
violence from the steep hills to the sea, ploughing
up the streets with deep watercourses. According
to Scylax, there was a river at Buclrum. By this
he could only mean a ^si^d^ous, or bed of a
winter torrent, of which there are several. The
most considerable is that which descends between