Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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rubble, we found below it, at a depth varying from
8' to 12', the native rock cut into beds and levels, to
receive the foundation-walls and pavement of a
large building. As the ground was cleared away,
massive foundation-walls were laid bare, which are
laid down in the Plan, Plates XLII. XLIII. The
foundations are those of an oblong edifice, which
has been traced from west to east for 80', and
probably extended originally about 20' further in
an eastern direction, towards the frusta of columns
already mentioned. The width of these foundations
is 46'. At the western end is a line of wall, 8' in
width, composed of large oblong blocks of coarse
freestone rock, such as were used by the Greeks for
the foundations of their temples, and were, in this
instance, quarried out of the stratum in the field.
These blocks were from 3' to 5' in length, and from 1'
to 2' in thickness; they were built in regular courses
of isodomous masonry, five of which still remained.
On the eastern side was another line of foundations,
built of similar blocks, 4/ in width: and on the
north and south sides were also courses of masonry.
Sections of these walls are given Plate XLII. The
interior of the space thus enclosed was partially
paved with large flags of the same freestone;
towards the east end was sunk a square, where the
native rock had been levelled for the reception of
pavement. Little or no trace of the marble super-
structure remained; these foundations, therefore,
can only serve to give us the general form of the
edifice built upon them.

I have already stated that the building, pro-