Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Notae Numismaticae - Zapiski Numizmatyczne — 3/​4.1999

DOI Artikel:
Bodzek, Jarosław; Madyda-Legutko, Renata: The ascalon coin found at Zarzecze, Przemyśl Voivodship
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dicate therefore the present article, concerning the both issues, to the
Jubilee with great pleasure.

More than sixty years ago Professor Ludwik Piotrowicz published an
extremely interesting and important work for the research on the ancient
coins inflow to the territory of middle-eastern Europę. The work con-
cerned the fmds of Greek and Roman coins discovered during the con-
struction of the railway in Lesser Poland2. The article was based on the
notes and the collection of engineer E. Benesz, which were bought from
A. Szkaradek by the Archaeological Museum of the Polish Academy of
Arts and Science, the present Archaeological Museum in Cracow, where
the notes are still kept3.

Among the coins published in this paper there are two Greek bronzes
found in Zarzecze in the Przemyśl voivodship4. According to E. Benesz's
notes both pieces were purchased the same day on August 2, 18825. L. Pio-
trowicz considered one of them to be a coin from Pergamon, whereas the
second one remained unrecognisedb. S. Kubiak introduced a correction
to the discussed coins in her publication on the Greek coins found on the
territory of Poland. The author included A. Krzyżanowska's new expla-
nation of the coins, according to which both artefacts were to represent
the emissions of the Bosphorus Kingdom sovereign Cotys II (123-132)7.

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Danmark. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish Na-
tional Museum, vol. MI: Cyprus to India, reedition New Jersey 1982.

Wielowiejski, Przemiany =J. Wielowiejski, Przemiany gospodarczo-społeczne u ludności południo-
wej Polski w okresie późnolateńskim i rzymskim, MS, vol. 6, 1960.

2 L. Piotrowicz, Znaleziska monet greckich i rzymskich przy budowie kolei małopolskich, WNA
XVIII, 1936 (1937), p. 95-109.

3 Piotrowicz, Znaleziska..., p. 95ff, see B.Reyman-Walczak, Zbiory numizmatyczne Muzeum
Archeologicznego w Krakowie, (in:) 100-lecie Towarzystwa Numizmatycznego w Krakowie. Kraków maj
27-29 1988 r., Kraków 1988, p. 75ff; S. Skowronek, Badania nad monetami starożytnymi i ich
zbiory w ośrodku krakowskim, (in:) Archeologia Śródziemnomorska w UniwersytecieJagiellońskim 1897
- 1997,]. Śliwa ed., Kraków 1998, p. 113.

4 Piotrowicz, Znaleziska..., p. 107.

5 Piotrowicz, Znaleziska..., p. 107; see the annotations of E. Benesz on the labels kept
along with the coins in the Archaeological Museum in Cracow.: "2/8 1882. Gefunden in
Zarzecze b. Jarosław". The authors wish to thank Mrs Bożena Reyman-Walczak from the
Department of Numismatics of the Museum of Archaeology in Cracow for making accessi-
ble the coins and the materials associated with the described objects.

6 The same expression can be found in: Z. Woźniak, Monety celtyckie z ziem polskich, WN XI,
fasc. 4, 1967, p. 221, note. 99; f. Gromnicki, Wspraiuie znalezisk monet greckich z Małopolski, WN,
fasc. 1, 1973, p. 10.

7 S. Kubiak, Znaleziska monet greckich z obszaru Polski, WN, XXII, 1978, p. 205, no 49.
