Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Notae Numismaticae - Zapiski Numizmatyczne — 3/​4.1999

DOI article:
Bartczak, Andrzej: Islamic dirhams from the Góra Strękowa hoard
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before AD 893, while data was obtained that enabled another to be dated
to the 7th century AD. The chronology of four coins in the fmd proved to
be impossible to determine precisely. The oldest specimen in the hoard is
a dirham of the 'Abbasid Caliph al-Mansur, struck in 147 AH = AD 764/
65 in the mint of al-Kufah, while the youngest are 2 Samanid dirhams of
emir IsmaTl ibn Ahmad, struck in the Samarąand mint in 287 AH = AD
900. Thus the span between the oldest and the youngest coins in the
deposit is 136 years. For purposes of comparison, the corresponding spans
in the case of the finds from Klukowicze, Czechów, and Drohiczyn count
to 162,6 171,7 and 181 years8 respectively. Among the precisely datable
coins, the most numerous group (18 specimens) consists of those whose
chronology falls within the 890s AD. Two specimens each come from the
760s, 860s, and 900s, while one specimen each is datable to the 780s,
800s, and 81 Os.

As for the structure of the Oriental part of the hoard, two ąuantita-
tively almost equal parts should be distinguished here, comprising dirhams
from the Samanid and c Abbasid dynasties, along with two smali additions,
consisting of dirhams from the Saffarid dynasty and imitation dirhams.
A slight edge here is field by the Samanid dirhams, 15 of which are found
in this hoard. The cAbbasid dirhams are nearly as numerous, with 12 spe-
cimens. The rest consist of emissions from the Saffarid dynasty (2 speci-
mens) and imitations (3 specimens). It proved impossible to specify the
dynastie affiliation of one coin.

The group of Samanid dirhams in the Góra Strękowa hoard is very
unified in chronological terms, in that they come from the emissions of
only one ruler: IsmaTl ibn Ahmad. The next group in numerical terms are
the dirhams of an c Abbasid ruler, al-Muctadid billah (3 specimens). Two
specimens each belong to the emissions of other rulers from this dy-
nasty, al-Mansur and al-Ma'mun, as well as the Saffarid cAmr ibn al-Layt.
The coinage of other cAbbasid Caliphs, i.e. Harun ar-Raśid, Al-Mustacfn
billah and al-Muctazz billah, is represented by one coin each. In six cases
it proved impossible to ascribe a given dirham to a particular ruler.

An analysis of the dirhams in terms of the place where they were struck

(> Klukowicze, p. 386.
7 Czechów, p. 234.

s See the remarks on this subject in Drohiczyn, p. 147.
