Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Archaeological Survey of Nubia [Hrsg.]; Ministry of Finance, Egypt, Survey Department [Hrsg.]
Bulletin — 4.1909

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Archaeological Survey of Nubia :—

Bulletin No. 1, dealing with the work up to November 30. 1907 ............

„ No. 2 „ „ „ „ from December 1, 1907, to March 31. 1903 .. ..

„ No. 3 „ „ „ ,, from October 1 to December 31, 1908 ......

„ No. -1 ,. „ ,, ., from January 1 to March 31, 1909 ........

Annual Report for the year 1908 (in the press).

Departmental Reports.

A Report on the Work in 1905, by Capt. H. G. LYONS ....................

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„ „ „ (in press) .............

Departmental Papers.

No. 1. Geology of the Eastern Desert between Latitude 22° and 25° N, bvW. F. Home, 1907..
No. 2. The Rains of the Nile Basin and the Nile Flood in 1900, by Capt." H. G. Lyons, 1907..

No.' 3. The Climate of Abbassia near Cairo, by B. F. E. Keeling. 1907 ............

No. 4. Report on the Delimitation of the Turco-Egyptian Boundary, by E. B. H. Wade, 1908..
No. 5. Report on a Field Method of Determining Longitudes by Observations of the Moon, by

E. B. H. W ade, 190S...............................".

No. 0. Magnetic Observations in Egypt. 1895-1905, bv B. F. E. Keeling, 1908 ........

No. 7. The Chemistry of the River Nile, by A. LUCAS, 1908................

No. 8. The Standardization of the Magnetic Instruments at Hehvan Observatory in 1907. by

H. E. Hurst....................................

No. 9. The Rains of the Nile Basin and the Nile Flood of 1907, by Capt. H. G. Lyons .. ..
No. 10. A Discussion of the Observations on Atmospheric Electricity at Hehvan Observatory, from

March 1900, to February 1908; by H. E. Hurst .. .'. ..............

No. 11. The Measurement of the Volumes discharged by the Nile in 1905 and 1900, by E. M. DnwsON
No. 14. The Rains of the Nile Basin and the Nile Flood in 190S, by Capt. H.G. Lyons (in the press).
No. 15. Evaporation in Egypt and the Sudan, by B. F. E. Keeling (in the press)........

Geographical Reports.

The Physiography of the River Nile ami its Basin, bv Capt. H. G. Lyons, 1900 ........

The Cadastral Survey of Egypt 1892-1907. by Capt. H. G. Lyons, 1908 ...........

Geological Reports.

Kharga Oasis: its Topography and Geology, by John Ball, 1900 ..............

Dakhla Oasis: „ „ by II. J. L. Beadnell, 1901 ..........

Farafra Oasis: „ „ „ „ 1901 ..........

Baharia Oasis: „ ., by J. Ball and H. J. L. Beadnell. 1903 .. ..

Topography and Geology of the Eastern Desert (Centr. Portion), by T. Barhon & W. F. Hume, 1902.
Reconnaissance-survey of Jebel Garni and the Oasis of Kurkur, by John Ball, 1902 .. ..
Arsinoitheriuni Zitteli. from the Upper Eocene Strata of Egypt, by H.J. L. Beadnell, 1902..
The Cretaceous Region of Abu Roash near the Pyramids of Giza, by H. J. L. Beadnell, 1902 ..
Some New Mammals from the Upper Eocene of Egypt, by andrews and beadnell, 1902 .. ..

Disintegration of Building Stones in Egypt, by A. Lucas, 1902 ................

Preliminary Investigation of the Soil and Water of the Fayum, by A. LUCAS, 1902 ......

A Land Tortoise from the Upper Eocene of the Fayum, by Andrews and Beadnell, 1903

The Soil and Water of the Wadi Tumilat Land under Reclamation, by A. Lucas, 1903......

The Phosphate Deposits of Egypt, 2nd edition, 1905 ......................

Topography and Geology of the Fayum, by H. J. L. Beadnell, 1905..............

The Blackened Rocks of the Nile Cataracts, by A. Lucas, 1905 ................

Catalogue of the Geological Museum, compiled by W. F. Hume, 1900 ..............

Topography and Geology of the Peninsula of Sinai (S.E. Portion) by W. F. Hume, 1900 .. ..
The Topography and Geology of the Peninsula of Sinai (Western portion) by T. Barron, 1900 ..

A Description of the First or Aswan Cataract of the Nile, by John Ball, 1907 ........

Topography and Geology of the District between Cairo and Suez, by T. Barron.........

Meteorological Reports.

Annual Meteorological Reports, 1898-1899, 1900, 1901, 1902 and 1903 .......... Each

„ 1904, 1905 (in 2 parts)............... Each part

l'J0« Part I........................

1900 part II ........................

„ „ „ 1907 parts I & II (in the press)..............

Meteorological Observations at 15 Stations in Egypt and Sudan, in monthly sheets for each

Station, from May 1900 to June 1904 .................Each sheet

Meteorological O bservations in Egypt and Sudan (in monthly pamphlets), 1904-1905 Each pamphlet
Summary of the Weather in Egypt, Sudan, etc., (in monthly pamphlets), 1900 up to date .. Each

Instructions to Meteorological Observers, by j\ I. Craig..................

The Rains of the Nile, Basiu in 1904 and 1905, by Capt. H.G. Lyons.......... Each

On the I'se of Platinum Resistance Thermometers at Helwan Observatory, by E.B. II. Wade, 1905

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