Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Archaeological Survey of Nubia [Hrsg.]; Ministry of Finance, Egypt, Survey Department [Hrsg.]
Bulletin — 6.1910

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Special Maps on Various Scales.

Lower Egypt and the Fayum, 1904 (latest edition) (f), 1 sheet, scale
1 : 500,000.

Lower Egypt, showing lines of communication (t), 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000.

Northern Gharbia (*f), 1 sheet, scale 1: 200,000.

Kharga Oasis (|), 1 sheet, scale 1: 500,000.

Dakhla Oasis (f), 1 sheet, scale 1: 500,000.

Baharia Oasis (f), 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000.

Farafra and Iddalia Oases (t), 1 sheet, scale 1: 500,000.

Provisional map of the Eastern Desert of Egypt, East Qena-Aswan to

Red Sea (f), 20 sheets, scale 1:100,000.
Provisional map of the Eastern Desert of Egypt, between Qus, Sayala and

lied Sea (f), 2 sheets, scale 1: 500,000.
Mersa Matruh chart (f) 1 sheet, scale 1: 4,500.
Mersa Matruh topographical map (f), 1 sheet, scale 1:10,000.
Mersa Matruh and Has Allam Rum (|), 2 sheets, scale 1: 25,000.
Aqaba-Rafa, 1906 (*f), 3 sheets, scale 1:100,000.

Aqaba-Rafa, 1906 (*) (f), 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000 (paper, 25 milliemes ;

cloth, 40 milliemes).
The Nile Valley from Aswan to Sudan boundary (t), 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Port dAlexandrio (French), 3 sheets, scale 1: 4,000.

Wall-Maps, for use in Schools.

The price of each map is 700 milliemes, except that of the Mediterranean
Basin, which is 500 milliemes. Each map is mounted on cloth, varnished, and
fitted with rollers. The following list gives the maps published and in pre-
paration :—

Africa (physical) (*), scale 1: 6,000,000.
Africa (political) (*), scale 1: 6,000,000.
The Nile Basin (*) (t), scale 1:2,500,000.
' Egypt (*) (t), scale 1: 750,000.
The Delta and the Fayum (*), scale 1 : 200,000.
Mediterranean Basin (*), scale 1: 3,000,000.
Western Europe and the British Isles (*), scale 1 : 1,500,000.
Asia (physical) (*), scale 1: 6,000,000.
Asia (political) (*), scale 1 : 6,000,000.
Europe (physical) (*), scale 1: 3,000,001).
Europe (political) (*), scale 1 : 3,000,000.

In preparation :—

British Isles, scale 1: 750,000.

The World (Mercator's projection).

The World (Airy's projection).

Geological Maps.

Geological map of Egypt, scale 1 : 1,000,000. English. Six sheets,
70 x 58 cm. Price, 100 milliemes per sheet. Complete map, mounted on
cloth, varnished and fitted with rollers, 850 milliemes.

Geological map of Egypt, scale 1: 2,000,000. English. One sheet,
68i x 67 cm. Price, 200 milliemes on ordinary paper, and 300 milliemes
mounted on cloth.

A number of maps have been published in the various Geological Reports.
Further information may be obtained under the respective headings in the list of
Geological Reports, pp. V and VI.
