Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Archaeological Survey of Nubia [Hrsg.]; Ministry of Finance, Egypt, Survey Department [Hrsg.]
Bulletin — 7.1911

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Short catalogue of the maps, plans, and publications [...}
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Cadastral Maps.

These are maps o£ the villages showing each hod and plot of land. They are
printed in Arabic only. In ordering, the name of the village and the numbers
of hod and plot should be given. The following list gives the particulars of the
maps for each mudiria (province) : —

Beheira mudiria (*), 3,300 sheets, under survey, scale 1: 2,500.

Gharbia mudiria (*), 3,460 sheets, scale 1: 4,000 and 1: 2,500.

Daqahlia mudiria (*), 2,237 sheets, scale 1:2,500.

Sharqia mudiria (*), 2,974 sheets, scale 1 : 2,500.

Menufia mudiria (*), 2,173 sheets, scale 1: 4,000 and 1:2,500.

Qaliubia mudiria (*), 778 sheets, scale 1: 2,500.

Giza mudiria (*), 766 sheets, scale 1: 4,000.

Fayum mudiria (*), 2,263 sheets, scale 1 :2,500.

Beni Suef mudiria (*), 942 sheets, scale 1: 2,500.

Minia mudiria (*), 1,635 sheets, scale 1 : 2,500.

Assiut mudiria, including Kharga Oasis (*), 2,273 sheets, scale 1:2,500.
Girga mudiria (*), 1,313 sheets, scale 1:2,500.
Qena mudiria (*), 1,568 sheets, scale 1: 2,500.
Aswan mudiria (*), 1,076 sheets, scale 1: 2,500.

Topographical Maps.

Scale 1 : 10,000 (10 cm.= l kilometre; 6-3 inches = 1 mile).—The
names on these maps are in most cases in Arabic and English. The following
table shows the number of sheets published :—

Beheira mudiria (*), 260 sheets.

Gharbia mudiria (*f), 213 sheets.

Sharqia mudiria (*t), 29 sheets.

Daqahlia mudiria (*t), 11 sheets.

Menufia mudiria (*|), 73 sheets.

Qaliubia mudiria (*t), 65 sheets.

Giza mudiria (*t), 90 sheets.

Fayum mudiria (*j), 126 sheets.

Beni Suef mudiria (*t), 21 sheets.

Assiut mudiria, including Kharga Oasis (*t), 72 sheets.

Aswan mudiria (*t), 63 sheets.

Aswan or First Cataract (f), 6 sheets.

The Nile Valley from Aswan to Korosko (f), 36 sheets (paper only, 25
milliemes each).

Scale 1 :25,000 (4 cm. =1 kilometre; 2*5 inches = 1 mile).— A pro-
visional map of Northern Gharbia has been published on this scale, pending the
publication of the 1:10,000 sheets of this area. There are 91 sheets.

Scale 1 : 50,000 (2 cm. = 1 kilometre ; 1*3 inches =1 mile).—These
maps are printed in three colours. Names are given in English, and as a rule in
Arabic as well. This series is completed for the whole of the cultivated area
of the Nile Valley and Delta. There are 145 sheets.

Scale 1 : 1,000,000 (1 cm.= 10 kilometres ; 1 inch=16 miles).—The
six sheets of this map, covering the whole of Egypt, have now been published.
The names are in English. The price of each sheet is 50 and 65 milliemes for
paper and cloth editions respectively, or the whole can be obtained mounted on
cloth, varnished, and fitted with rollers for 550 milliemes.