Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean — 17.2005(2007)

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DOI article:
Waliszewski, Tomasz; Périssé-Valéro, Ingrid [Contr.]: Chhîm: explorations 2005
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Tomasz Waliszewski, Ingrid Perisse

The tenth season of excavations at Chhim, carried out jointly by the Direction Generate des
Antiquites and the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of Warsaw University,
started on August 15 and ran through September 25, 2005.1
Archaeological work concentrated on the continuation of earlier projects in two separate
sectors: Temenos A, meaning the courtyard in front of the Roman temple, and village E in
the section located to the north and northeast of this temple. The main objective was to
complete the work in the temenos area, gaining new data on the layout and chronology of
successive sanctuaries and their immediate neighborhood. As for the village, the present work
added to our knowledge of the plan and development of the settlement. Studies of the collected
material proceeded concurrently with the excavations.
1 The expedition was a joint Polish-Lebanese project financed by the Warsaw University Centre of Mediterranean
Archaeology and the Direction Generale des Antiquites. Team members included: Dr. Tomasz Waliszewski in charge
of the expedition and assisted by Mrs. Bahija Traboulsi and Mr. As'ad Seif representing the Direction Generale des
Antiquites; Ms Ingrid Perisse, archaeologist in charge of the excavation at Chhim, Dr. Mahmoud El-Tayeb,
archaeologist in charge of the regional survey; Mr. Jakub Prager, archeologist; Mr. Marek Puszkarski, documentalist;
Dr. Krzysztof Domzalski, Ms Urszula Wicenciak, ceramologists; accompanied by students of archaeology from
Universite Paris I - Sorbonne, American University of Beirut and Warsaw University Institute of Archaeology: Ms Sophie
Martin, Mr. Alexandre Hourany, Mr. Tomasz Gora, Ms Maria Kozarzewska, Ms Agata Strzelecka, Ms Joanna Sulewska,
Ms Anna Zakrzewska. The expedition has enjoyed, as always, the competent support of the Lebanese Antiquities
Service, for which we would like to thank the invariably efficient and helpful Director General of Antiquities, Mr. Frederic
