Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean — 6.1994(1995)

DOI Artikel:
Pawlicki, Franciszek: Deir el-Bahari: Hatshepsut temple conservation project 1993/94
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reconstruction project for the Upper Court and the Royal Cult and
Ra-Horachte complexes.
The major goal of reconstruction activities during the season
was the rebuilding of the western section of the southern wall of
the Upper Court comprising its longest section from the western
corner to the entrance to the Royal Cult Complex. Egyptological
and architectural investigations revealed a number of discrepancies
in the earlier two stages of reconstruction, making it impossible to
continue work on the upper registers until the errors had been
corrected. Deformation of the southwestern corner of the Upper
Corner has led to both the lintel and jambs of the entrance to the
Southern Offering Chapel becoming dislocated and dislodging in
turn the other blocks in the southern wall. The face of the central
part of the wall has also become deformed as a result of the
pressure exerted upon it by the disintegrated rock debris and earth
Ell in back of it. The blocks projecting from the wall face had
caused pressure at the edges, producing cracking, powdering and
peeling of the decorated surface. The first stage of the work
required the western section of the wall to be dismantled
completely; the rock debris was then removed and brick
reinforcements introduced instead. The position of the lintel and
jambs was corrected as was also the location of the remaining
blocks in the lower registers of the decoration. Over a hundred new
original blocks or fragments of blocks were introduced,
reconstructing the wall to its original height and localizing the
position of the architraves. The exact disposition of the nests for
mounting the architraves has ended the discussion as to the number
of column rows and the intercolumnar space in the Upper Court.
Of the scenes in the bottom register, that of the puriEcation
ceremony of Tuthmosis III deserves particular attention, its
reconstruction having made possible the determination of the height
of the adjacent passage from the Court to the Royal Cult Complex
(Fig.l). The reconstructed decoration of the lower register of the
