Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Dionysos and Rhea8, and said by Euripides to have been
an invention of the Corybantes9. It was made of an
animal's skin stretched on a hoop, and is frequently seen
in the hands of these attendants on Dionysos10. Like
the cymbal it was unknown to Homer's age", when the
usage, even of that earlier invention the flute, was con-
fined to the Phrygians12, to whom its discovery is
usually assigned13, and who are said to have first em-
ployed it in the celebration of mystic rites14.

On the body of the chariot is seen a panther, and
the same animal is again observed to the right beyond
the elephant, and also on the cornices at both ends of
the sarcophagus. The presence of lions, tigers and
panthers, in these processions of Dionysos, is usually
accounted for by their supposed fondness for wine,
which is both described by ancient authors15, and im-
plied in innumerable representations on works of ancient

8 Euripides, Bacch. 58.

TvfxTrat/a 'Pea? Tf fiyi-pos tfid 6' euptjjuaxa.

Horace, Od. i. 18. 13.

9 Euripides, Bacch. 124.

Bvp&OTOvov KVKkwfia Tode

[jloi Kopu/Saz/Tes eupov.
See Lobeck, Aglaophamus, p. 1144. The Indians attributed the invention
to Dionysos: Diodorus Siculus, in. 58. The Phrygians assigned it to
Rhea: Diodorus Siculus, ii. 38.

10 Montfaucon, Antiquite' explique'e, Tom. i. Par. ii. PI. clxiii.
3. Le Pitture d'Ercolano, Tom. i. Tav. xxi. p. 112. Tom. n.
Tav. xxix. p. 175. Tom. v. Tav. xxxv. p. 153. Museo Capitolino,
Tom. iv. Tav. xlvii.

11 Millin, Monumens ine'dits, Tom. i. p. 164.

12 Olympiodorus, ap. Wyttenb. in Phaed. p. 146. et ap. Lobeck,
Aglaoph. p. 298.

13 Marsyas is said to have been its inventor: see Le Pitture d'Erco-
lano, 1. c. Telestes in Athenaeus, xiv. p. 617.

14 Oxford Marbles, p. 21. Himerius, Eel. xm. p. 210. Lucre-
tius, a, 620. the notes on Le Pitture d'Ercolano, Tom. n. Tav. xx.
and xxi. Hoeck, Kreta, Vol. i. p. 223. foil. Lobeck, Aglaophamus,
Vo1-1, p. 298.

16 Oppian, Cyneg. til. 79. iv. 231 foil. Statius, Theb. iv. 658.
Martial, xiv. 107.

Nos Satyri, nos Bacchus amat, nos ebria tigris,
Perfusos domini lambere docta pedes.

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