Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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islet is entirely uninhabited: there was on it, in the
time of the Venetians, a small castle, which was heroically
defended by its commander Giuliani against the Turks.
When summoned to surrender, he replied, that "he
had promised to defend the fortress till his last breath
and, as soon as the Turks carried the place by assault,
Giuliani, unable to make any further resistance, fired
a mine, the explosion of which destroyed, along with
himself and his own small band, all the Turks who had
made good their entrance into the fort2.

As to the river Platania, there can be no reasonable
doubt about its being the Iardanos of the Odyssey,
near the banks of which the Cydonians dwelt3: and
the elevation on which the village of Platania itself is
built, may, not improbably, have been the site of the
ancient Pergamos or Pergamum, which has been already
mentioned incidentally, and the position of which it is
not difficult to determine, with tolerable accuracy, from
books alone. In the first place it appears, from Servius4,
that Pergamum was near Cydonia; and Pliny5 places
it between Cydonia and the city of Kisamos. If Per-
gamum was situated here, it is clear that the whole plain
running along the shore from this place to the Dictyn-
naean chain, would form part of the district belonging
to it, and thus the Dictynnaean temple of Artemis,
which was undoubtedly situated on the modern cape
Spadha, might well be spoken of, as it is by Scylax6,
as being to the north of the Pergamian territory.

Various accounts are given of the foundation of the
city Pergamum, or Pergamia as it seems to be called
by Plutarch. In Virgil's story iEneas is represented

2 See Emmanuel Mormorio, in the MS. Classe vi. Cod. ci. of Saint
Mark's Library, Libro i. fol. 12.

3 Odyssey, in. 292.

THy.i KuSiui/es evawv 'XapSdvov d/itpl pceBpa.

4 Servius, on Virg. Aen. in. 133. 5 Pliny, iv. 20.

" Scylax, in Geograph. Graec. Min. Tom. i. p. 18. ed. Huds. p. 265.
ed. Gail. &iktvuvoXov 'ApTcfxiSos iepov irpos fiopeav avc/xov ttjs x°^Pa^