Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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of the grey marble of the mountains which are on each
side: one building resembles a church, and has some
ancient brick-work about it. On a height to the south
of the bay, there are some pieces of grey marble columns,
and four oblong square cisterns sunk into the ground
and contiguous, as if they had been under some great
building. I observed that in the middle they were sunk
lower like square wells, and lined with brick, with a
design, I suppose, to receive a greater quantity of water;
and below these, on the side of the hill towards the
town, there are remains in some of the walls of earthen
pipes, by which one may suppose the water was con-
veyed down from the cistern, the torrents below being
dry in summer. Among these ruins, which were pro-
bably an ancient temple, I saw a fine pedestal of grey
marble three feet square; it had a festoon on each side,
and against the middle of each festoon a relief of Pan
standing; the whole was finely executed ; it is probable
that this was either an altar or the pedestal of a statue
erected to that deity in this temple, which probably was
dedicated to the nymph Dictynna; Strabo mentions the
Dictynnaean temple in this place. Some years ago they
found a statue here of white alabaster, but having a
notion that such pieces of antiquity contain gold in them,
the fishermen broke it in pieces ; I brought away a foot
of it, which shews very distinctly all the parts of the
ancient sandal.11