Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Laconians, at Polyrrhenia59, renders it probable that
it was situated somewhere in this part of the island.
The Cretan city Achaea is said, by an old Scholiast60,
by the author of the Great Etymologicon, and by others,
to have possessed a peculiar breed of stags. This asser-
tion is erroneous, and arose from its author's having mis-
understood the sense of a Greek word ayailvri?, which
denoted no particular breed of stags, but was appro-
priated to the animal when in its second year61. This
has been shewn very clearly by several writers62. If
we were unacquainted with the true meaning of the
word in question, the old Scholiast's false etymology
would perhaps lead us to place the city Achaea near
Cydonia, on account of Pliny's assertion63, that in Crete
stags were found only in the Cydonian district; and
would also make us consider Achaea " as a place re-
markable for its peculiar breed of stags64.'''

The word thus used to denote a stag was also the
name of a kind of cake, which was made for the festival
of the Thesmophoria65.

59 See above, pp. 47 and 49.

00 Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius, iv. 174. Avai'a eari ti}<;
KpijVtfs ttoXis, ev ri jlvovtul d%a^veai Xcyofievai e\a(f)OL, at Kal (nradi-
vairtL KaXovv-rai.

01 I found peculiar names, used by the Cretans of the present day, to
denote a lamb or sheep according to its age : thus, dpvi being a lamb and
TpofiaTov a sheep, eva jxapoTro denotes the animal when about a year old.
This I learnt in the district of Mirabello : probably the usage of p.dpoiro does
not prevail throughout the whole island. In the More'a the calf is called
Motrx«V' during the first year, TraXoio/xoVx' in the second, SafidXi in the third,
and fiotSi afterwards: see Colonel Leake's Travels in the More'a, Vol. i.
P. 20.

62 See Meursius, Creta, p. 17. and Hoeck, Kreta, Vol. i. pp. 430-

63 Pliny, N. H. viii. 58. "Mirabilius in eadem insula (Creta) cervos,
praeterquam in Cydoniatarum regione non esse."

04 Cramer, Description of Ancient Greece, Vol. in. p. 391.

65 Athenaetjs, iii. p. 109. f. 'A%auvai. tovtov tov dpTOV /ii/ijpLovedci
5%ios — Xc'ycoi/ Tols Be<rp.o<p6poLS yluea-dai. "EXatpos also Was the name
°f a cake, wXaKovs o toTi 'EXa<piij3oXiois dvairXaa-a-onevos: Athenaeus,
xiv. p. 646. e. See Lobeck, Aglaophamus, Vol. n. p. 1064. (Epimetrum
