Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Kavusi, is called Megalonesi2, in spite of its very mo-
derate size, and the third PrasonesP. My host, after
telling me the names of these islands, exclaims, pointing
out Tserigo and Saeghilia, " Lo! those islands, which
belong to the English, lie close to Crete, and still an-
other has come from so great a distance as Misiri, and
has become our master4." We have already seen that
these three islands, two of which served as places of
refuge to the Greeks during the late war, are called
by the anonymous eoast-describer5, Jusagora, Mese,
and Myle. This notice throws light, as Mannert has
observed", on the two islands near Crete, called Mylae
by Pliny7.

It may be worth while, before visiting the existing
remains of Phalasarna, to see what mention of it is made
by ancient writers. The fullest notice of this port of
Polyrrhenia, contained in any extant author, is that of
DicaearchusB, who tells us, in a passage which seems
to bear every mark of being a dilatation of what Scylax
had written on the subject, (for several of the words used
are the very same, and they occur in the same order,)
that " Phalasarna is situated to the west, and possesses
an artificial port, and a temple sacred to Artemis, and
that the goddess is called Dictynna." The distance
between Polyrrhenia and its port Phalasarna is given
by Strabo as sixty stades0. The distances of Phalasarna

2 To Meya\oin)<rl.

3 T6 Ilpacroj/ijo-i, so called, as my host told me, SuitI elvai ye/taVo
■xpdaa, because it is full of leeks. There is an islet of the same name near
Mycono: see Tournefort, Voyage du Levant, Tom. i. p. 27(i.

4 Kai fid's eKvpievae.

s Stadiasmus, in Geograph. Graec. Min. Tom. ii. p. 497.

6 Mannert, Geographie der Griechen und Roemer, Tom. vm. p. 680.

7 Pliny, iv. 12. §. 20.

a Dicaearchus, State of Greece, v. 118. (p. 24. ed. Huds.)

"Sao-i 8' ev K/>t)-r;i ito\lv
elvai QaXdcrapva, KeipiemjV Trpoe l)\lov
Suvovra, kXcio-t^k Xi/iev '£xox"Tav KaL teP°"
'ApTe'/itSos aytoVy Kal KaXeTadaL Tijv Beov

s Strabo, x. p. 479.