Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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story of buried works of art.


zeal shews itself daily in the alacrity and indefatigable-
ness with which he aids me in making inquiries for
ancient remains, and for coins or other antiquities, is
very anxious that I should not suffer all these hidden
treasures to continue buried in the earth, and warmly
seconds my host's wishes. At length, although the
assertion that the "idols" are small and golden, makes
me fear that it will end in nothing, for the form as-
sumed by the story bears a slight resemblance to that
of a buried treasure, which, of course, no European in
his senses would ever search for; yet, the day being
ah-eady very far advanced, I at length give way to the
solicitations of the people, and agree to wait here till
to-morrow at noon; the Greek undertaking to have
the excavations finished by that time. Being unwilling,
however, thus to stay, before I decide on doing so, I
offer, but in vain, to give the man a written authority
to excavate, which, on his own account, he would not
have dared to do, and suggest that he may inform me
afterwards of the result of his labours. His objection
to doing any thing if I leave him is because the first
finder died soon after making the discovery, and he
believes my being present will avert from him a similar
fate, which would assuredly await him, if he set to
work after my departure.

April 25.

The excavations are commenced early this morning
by half a dozen men, who continue their work six or
seven hours without finding any thing. On this I
became satisfied that nothing would be found, either
within or outside the house, and, after recompensing
the people for their trouble, I set off at three o'clock.

We soon commenced the ascent of the western slope
of Mount Elias: the greater part of the olive-trees,
amongst which our road lies, are uncultivated. This
ascent lasts for forty minutes, and the descent by which
it is succeeded is nearly as long, and at length brings
us on a slope extending from the mountains to the