Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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of Dalmatia never had an existence except in the ima-
gination of a late Roman poet50.

The argument in favour of the Illyrian city, derived
from the letters seen on the dolphin of the second coin,
and which are supposed51 to denote Dalmion52, or Dal-
minion53, falls to the ground when it is remembered
that the barbarian inhabitants of that country were as
unacquainted with the use of money54 as they were
with the worship of Dictynna.

These are considerations against which the greater
historical celebrity of the Illyrian Lissos cannot for
a moment weigh55.

On arriving at the church of Haghios Kyriakds,
which the people called Kyrkos, we found, in a shed
near it, the Papas of a neighbouring village, who, pos-
sessing some of the land of this little plain, was come
to stay here a few days. He had brought with him
no provisions, except some barley bread of the worst
kind and a little indifferent oil, which latter article is
to himself a forbidden luxury at present, it being now
the great week56 of the Greeks. For supper, then, a
few herbs were boiled by the priest, and were eaten by

50 Claudian, de Sec. Cons. Stilich. v. 302.

Dalmatiae lucos, abruptaque brachia Pindi,
Sparsa comam Britomartis agit.

51 By Sestini.

52 Stephanus Byzan. v. AdXptov. Eustathius, on Dionys. Perieg.

53 strabo, vii. p. 315. Aa\/XLVtoi> de /xeyaXfj 7ro\is ijs eirtovopov to
c6kos. Eustath. 1. c.

54 strabo, x. p. 315. "ISwv Se tw AaXpaream, to oia OKTacnipiSos
X<opas dvaSaapov nroLelaQai' to Se pi] \pT]0-Q(ti voptarpaori nrpos pev tovs
ev Trj irapaXia TauTi; loiov' irpos clXXovs de twv flappapwv ttoXXovs kowov.
See also the Scholiast on Dionysius Perieg. v. 97-

55 Sestini lets it weigh against some of them in his Descrizione d'alcune
Medaglie greche del museo del Signore Carlo D'Ottavio Fontana di Trieste,
per Domenico Sestini, p. 35. where he concludes, "Dai geografi poi si parla
d'un Lissus dell' Illirico piu celehre del Cretico, e non saprei decidermi,
se per la nostra medaglia debba preferire quello o il Cretico."

50 'H peydXi} hfiSopdSa.