Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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frequent the mountainous parts of the island, and adds,
that they destroy young lambs, kids and hares. In his
time the vulture's wings used to be sold to the arrow-
makers, and its skin to the furriers2.

It is singular that the well-known cock of the woods
of northern Europe3, distinguished by the name of
capercailzie, in Scotland, where the species has become
extinct only within the last fifty years', should have
been seen in so low a latitude as Crete. The fact, how-
ever, is recorded by Belon, in a manner which seems
to leave no doubt on the subject5.

After leaving the vultures, we descend and soon
arrive at Siiia, which, like Haghio Kyrkos, is entirely
uninhabited. Some peasants shewed us a spring of
brackish water, and conducted me to a mutilated in-
scription6, from which alone it would have been impos-
sible to determine the name of the city7.

The modern name Suia, or, if I adopt an English
instead of the Italian mode of writing the word, Souia,
is the same as that of the ancient city8, of which we

2 Be Lou, 1. c. " lis les escorchent, & en vendent les celles aux artilliers,
qui s'en servent a f'aire des ampennons aux flesches : & la peau aux pelletiers
qui la conroyent pour en faire fourrures, qui sont vendues bien cher."

3 I am told, by an excellent authority on the subject, Lord Melgund, that
this noble bird is frequently seen by travellers in Norway, still oftener in
Sweden, and is also common in the mountains of Bohemia. Tt finds its way,
every winter, to the tables of the wealthy in London, and is frequently met
with in the bill of fare of the Parisian restaurant.

4 Attempts have been lately made to re-naturalize the bird in Scotland.

5 Belon, Singularitez etc. Liv. I. c. ix. fol. 11. "L'oiseau que les
Romains nommerent tetrao, et lequel les Italiens nomment pour le iour d'huy
Gallo Cedrone, et en Auvergne un faisan bruyant, et en Savoye un coc de
bois, est souuent vcu par les forests des hautes montagnes de Crete, deux fois
plus gros qu'un chappon."


7 We can obtain a termination in TQN neither from Si/mnjs nor Si/ietk,
the two forms, given by Stephanus of Byzantium, for the name of the citizens.

8 The present name of the place in modern Greek is Souia; that of the
ancient city was Xuta. Although the number of words in which the 5 has
