Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Kisamo-kasteli and these ruins near Khadhros. We
know, on the same excellent authority, that from Kan-
tanos to Lissos was sixteen miles: here too we see, that
reckoning four miles from this place to Selino-kasteli,
and following our route thence to the ruins at Haghio
Kyrko, we obtain a distance which again agrees per-
fectly with that of the table.

The city Kantanos is mentioned in Stephanus of
Byzantium2, and is also found in Hierocles,s list of
Cretan cities, where it is called Kantania, and is placed
between Kisamos and Elyros. It was a bishop's see
under the Byzantine Emperors, and when the Venetians
obtained the island they established a Latin bishop
here as in every other diocese. A letter from Gre-
gory XI. written from Avignon in April 1375, to the
bishop of Cantanus, is preserved3: as well as a diploma
by which Clement VI. in 1346, appointed a new bishop
to the see.

Spaniuko, where we arrive at three p.m. is about a
mile to the south-west of the remains. We have now
nearly returned to Selino-kasteli, which is only about
three miles further southward. Between the site of
Kantanos and the village of Spaniako, I fall in with
a Mohammedan who has been at London, as one of the
attendants of a Turkish ambassador, and who, on other
occasions, has visited Leghorn and Marseilles. He is
eloquent in his praise of Europe, and of the material
comforts and luxuries which are there so common, while
here they are entirely unknown. I learn that there
are ancient remains, near a village called Vlithias, a
little to the north ; and also, from a Sfakian, that at
Anopolis in Sfakia, there are very considerable remains
of walls, the stones of which are of an enormous size.

2 Stephanus Byzantinus says, in a passage the corruptness of which
it is as easy to see, as it is difficult to find out the true reading : Kdwrai/os,
tto'Xis KptjTjjs, 3JeyiWf hv ireptopiov H.py}TLKOv tottuu to edi/iKov


Cornelius, Creta Sacra, Vol. n. pp. 55 and 168.