Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Rome and the Romans. The internal diameter of the
tomh is ahout fourteen feet, and the thickness of the
walls four feet. The sketch is taken from the east,
on which side the rock is about twelve feet high: on
the west one can just walk round it, at eighteen or
twenty feet below its summit, (and above this path I
observed steps cut in the solid rock,) but there is still
a considerable precipitous descent even below this path.

We arrive soon after sunset in the little village of
Vlithias, the only male inhabitant of which is a young
Mohammedan, in whose house we took up our abode.
The rest are all widows. In many places in Crete the
number of widows is large: and in one village of
Lassithi they actually form the entire population, as is
so nearly the case here. These are striking instances
of the depopulating and exterminating character of the
late war, so different from those carried on between
civilized nations, with whom the effects on population,
as even under the most rigorous conscriptions of Na-
poleon, are almost imperceptible.

This almost total extermination of the male inha-
bitants in some parts of Crete, and the general aspect
of its villages, all of which may be said to be in ruins,
recall to mind the scene which was presented to the
eyes of Demosthenes, as he travelled through Phocis2.

Having obtained a young lamb from a Mohammedan
at Spaniako, for the very reasonable price of seven
Turkish piastres, somewhere about eighteen pence in
English money, we fared better this evening than was
usual with us.

I had also the satisfaction of learning that the
distance is not very great to the ancient site, near
which I passed, without visiting it, between Pelekanas
and Kastel-selino; and, having reaped so rich a harvest

bpav ijpXv TrctVTU Taira,
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Demosthenes, p. 361. 'Ef di/dyMjs fjv
oiKia? KaTea-Kap.fi.eifas, TeiX'l irepnjpiipeva,
>J X. t k t a, yvvata Se Kai ir a id dp i a d\iya.