Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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The eparkln'a of Rhizd-kastron probably derived its
name from the fact of its " Castello" being near the
western foot of the mountains, which spread over a
great part of its extent. The Rhiza of these moun-
tains and the Kastron of the district were in the same
neighbourhood, and Rhizd-kastron thus became the
name, first of the fortress, and next of the eparkhia.
I do not, however, feel disposed to place Rhizenia in
the district of Rhizd-kastron, for the sites of Pyranthos
and Asterusia, of Priansos and Inatos, sufficiently occupy
the ground in that part of the island.

We find the Greeks of Laki already beginning to
prepare for the festivities of Easter Sunday, which, with
them, after so long and so severe a fast, is welcomed
with feelings to which Protestant and even Catholic
Christians are strangers. The severities of the endless
Sarakoste or Lent have been very frequently endured
by us, especially when it was rather late before we
arrived at our resting-place for the night; and these
privations, added to the fatigue of moving early every
morning, and of being actively employed ten, twelve
and sometimes fourteen hours daily, have at length
made my companion so weak and unwell, that it seems
prudent for him not to venture into the Sfakian moun-
tains, where illness would be a very serious matter,
since medical aid could be obtained only from Khania.
It is therefore decided that he shall return to the city,
leaving me to prosecute my journey, and to explore
the unknown regions of the Sfakian mountains without
him, but still accompanied by the faithful and talkative

Wishing much to enter Sfakia by Xyldskalo, I again
make inquiries as to the practicability of the descent; and
am assured by the villagers, that even mules ought to
be habituated to such a road in order to be depended
°n. Not long since a Lakidte went with his mule for
the first time: the poor beast started back on seeing
the precipice, and, losing its footing, was precipitated

VOL. II. r