Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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an ascent which lasts for near an hour, when I arrive
at the village of Theriso. The number of olive-trees
about these villages of the Rhiza is not great; neither
is there much arable land near them : the flocks of the
district are however numerous. I pass through the
straggling and well-shaded village of Theriso; and,
continuing my course nearly due eastward, for upwards
of an hour, arrive at Dhrakdna, one of the villages
classed together under the common name of Keramia.

It was in a village of this district of Keramia, that
blood was first shed in June 1821, when the Sfakians,
and as many Rhizites as possessed arms, raised the
standard of the Cross. The subashi of Keramia is said
to have been shot by the Christians, on the 17th (29th)
of June. The following morning the Mohammedans
issued out of Khania, one division of them going to
Keramia, and the other to Alikiand-Vatdlako, a little
below Laki. The Mohammedans carried off the head
of a single Christian from the scene of their conflict at
Keramia, but had the worse of the engagement at both
places. The Christians were always victorious, while
the Khanidte-Mohammedans were without aid from the
other cities. Hence the Austrian Consul, writing on
the 15th of August 1821, says, " Les Turcs ont fait
plusieures sorties et ont touj ours ete repousses avec
perte:11 and thus the correligionaries of these unwarlike
Moslems sang, as they approached Khania,

'EXSt' wcrels ot KacrTjOii'Oi',

k rj/ueis ol 'PiOu/ulviwtcus,
va irafxe, va yAurcoawfxev

tXyi K\e(pTaLs t^V Xawwrats.

Press onward, all ye Kastrians,

With us Rhithymnidtes,
That we may go and save from death

The cowardly Khanidtes.