Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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and was called Katdpolis, as this is called Andpolis.
" The two possessed between them no less than seventy-
two thousand troops15." This modern village is a most
healthy place: "no one is ever known to be ill here."
My hostess's father died last year at eighty-five. "He
knew all about LambroV" expedition, and understood
more than other men." No one would have believed
him to have been so old. Four years before his death
he became blind17. During the revolution she fled with
her two children, her husband remaining always in Crete,
first to Gavdha, then to Pholekandhros, and then to

I am assured, that an ancient stone, such as is some-
times found in a ring, whether engraved or not, performs
the office of a propitious Ilithyia to women in labour1".

One of the inhabitants of the village, who accom-
panied me to examine the ancient remains which are
found near it, was at Odessa, at the outbreaking of the
revolution, with about a hundred and forty other Greeks,
ten of whom were Cretans and three Sfakians. They
were all sailors, on board different vessels then in the
port of Odessa, and knowing that their lives would be
forfeited if they attempted to pass Constantinople on
their return to Greece, they went by land to Marseilles,
where they embarked for Hydhra. The policy of Prince
Metternich refused to allow a soul of them to enter the
Austrian dominions, and they therefore had to traverse
Russia, Poland, Northern Germany, and Switzerland,
to Lyons and Marseilles. When at Warsaw they had an
interview with the Grand Duke, who spoke Greek quite
fluently, and, having heard that there were some Sfakians
among them, asked which they were, and addressed his

16 EpSo/xijvra <5uw ""'X''lc"'

16 Lambro was called 'Pdp.-rrpo by all of them.

17 'Eru^XuJe,, Kai Shu e/3\e7re were her words.

18 If after childbirth the woman is able to nurse her own infant, the stone
has another valuable property, KaTajSagei ri ydpa. (to yaXa.)