Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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some lexicographers9 to have been a short light cloak,
just as much as the modern boots resemble the ancient
throughout in the island.

It is worthy of remark, that the Sfakian cloak agrees
less than that of the other Cretans with the descriptions
of the Kretikon. The cloak of these mountaineers is
large and heavy, and is of its natural whiteness, while
those of the rest of Crete are dyed10, as the Kretikon
used to be11.

It is the Sfakians alone who wear their cloaks through
any considerable part of the year: the other Cretans
only make use of them a little in the winter months.
The ancient Cretan seems to have worn his cloak all the
year round12, just as the modern Albanian puts on his
shaggy white capote to defend himself as well from the
heat of July and August, as from the cold of December
and January.

Little as is the change which has taken place in the
fashion of the Cretan's dress, there is yet a considerable
difference in its material in ancient times, and at the pre-
sent day. Both the under and upper garments of the
Dorians were woollen; and the same dress was adopted
by the Athenians, and had become general in the time of
Thucydides13. Thus the linen khiton or shirt, among
the ancients, was thought a luxury : and yet at the pre-
sent day the Sfakian mountaineer frequently wears a
silken shirt, although probably it is only washed for

0 Photius, L c. KpijTiicoV /3paX" i^o-tiov. Hesychitjs, Kp»;tikoV
ifiaTLOiov \eiTTov Kal [Ipa^o, T(i yap TOLauTa, KpjjTi/ca eXeyov.

10 They are of a brown colour.

11 Pliny, xxvi. 66, in speaking of the phycos thalassion, says, " Tria
autem genera ejus : latum, et alteram longius, quadamtenus rubens: tertium
crispis foliis, quo in Creta vestes tinguunt.

12 strabo, x. p. 483. Xap-at £e Kadi'}p.evoi SlalTwUTal /iex' ctWtJXwy
ev (pavXoi's Tpifiutviois, teal yei/iwi/os Kal depovs tcc auTa. Heraclides,
de polit. (in Gron. Thes. Vol. vi. p. 2824, quoted by Meursius, Creta,
p. 184. and by Casaubon, on Strabo, 1. c.) 01 ev Kpij-i-jj p.e-r' d\X>j\u,v
oiatTwi/TaL ev cvl ifiaTiw 0epou9 Kal xet/t(*,yos.

1S Thucydides, i.