Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Obstacles having arisen which prevent me from executing"
my original plan of writing not only Travels in Crete, but also
a History of the island, I think it well to publish extracts
from some of the authorities which I found among the Manu-
scripts of St Mark's Library at Venice.

„I will begin with some passages of old Venetian chroni-
clers, which throw light on the history of Crete during the
thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The Manuscript with
which I will commence is of the fifteenth century, written in
a hand very difficult to decipher, and is in the Venetian dialect:
it consists of 117 leaves, is in the quarto form, and is numbered
" Codice XVII." in the catalogue of St Mark's Library. It is
called " Cronaca Veneziana, dal principio della citta sino al

Fol. 73. " Piero Ziani Doxe per election monta a questo
dogal dominjo chorando li anni del nostro Signor Miixiiij."

He arms thirty-one gallies, of which Miss. Renier Premarin
was appointed captain, " lo qual dispartandosse dc Veniesia
chon quela armada, lo chastello de Chorfii c de Modon e de
Choron per forca darme elli prese, e andando plu auanti elli
prexe naue iiij de cenoexi in Spinalonga, e puo navegado
alixola dc Crede elli prexe lio bon chapcllo Chorssero chon
alter pluxor 9enoesi, li qual' icra cho gallic iiij e naue vj.
e tornando lo dito Chapetanio in dricdo, lo dito C'horsser