Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Payne, Humfry
Necrocorinthia: a study of Corinthian art in the Archaic period — Oxford, 1931

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establishment. The drawing is remarkably angular,
much more so than in the Gorgoneion cups, and one
might think that it was earlier; but the boar, pi. 31,
2-4, has an almost exact parallel on the cup no. 991,
and the very free drawing of the fallen hunter, pi. 31,
3, would likewise seem to point to a relatively late
period (cf. the fallen warrior, pi. 33,5). Moreover the
inward curve of the lip, and the inner pattern on the
mouth, are both details which are characteristic of
the full sixth century. I think, therefore, that these
vases may be contemporary with the preceding,
despite their more archaic appearance.

806 Louvre E 612. PI. 31, 2-4 (Pottier pi. 43; details,
Mon. Grecs 1897, 14 fig. 3; A.M. 1919 pi. 1,1;
Morin Jean 58 fig. 54). Below, three lines and
whirls. For the star-rosettes, cf. the next four and

4 807 no. 1140. Vienna, Oest. Mus. 55 (Masner p. 5;
Annali 1866 pi. Q). Heroic battle. Inscription
p. 162, no. 10. Horses of distinctly early type.

808, 9 Ibid. 56 and 57, op. cit., I.e. Battle. Louvre MNC

810 632, from Greece. Battle, floral ornament of the
same general type as fig. 55 c

811 Delos (Dugas pis. 55 and 68, no. 309). Horsemen.

812 Delos (Dugas pi. 21, 152). Lotus and palmette
cross, in reserve. At centre, gorgoneion. On handle-
back, female head. Not Protocorinthian, as D. sug-
gests, because (1) the female head is far later in style
than Protocorinthian heads; (2) the Gorgoneion
is likewise later (see pp. 79-84); (3) the wheel-like
f.o. occurs only on Corinthian vases;1 but, like nos.
803 ff., an excellent example of the development of
the Protocorinthian tradition in the Corinthian

For others which may belong to this period, see
on no. 485.

II, shape B.

A. Seep.290,no.564andff. Some of these vases will be
middle Corinthian, but I cannot distinguish them
from the rest. The same is true of the early group D
(538 ff.), and of the vases decorated with patterns,
floral and linear. For late Corinthian aryballoi, see
p. 319. The quatrefoil aryballoi typical of the late
period begin in the early sixth century (see on no.

B. Large vases; scale-pattern group (p. 63).

813 Lions, panthers, &c.: Delos (Dugas pi. 25, 324);

814 Syracuse, from Megara Hyblaea tomb 155 (Mon.

815 Ant. i, pi. 5, 2 and 14); Syracuse, from tomb 440
(N.S. 1895, 174)—a tomb of c. 600 b.c.

1 On the reverse of several of the aryballoi mentioned
under no. 485; cf. also C.V.A. Cab. M£d. pi. 13, 15, of


III, flat-bottomed (shape C, cf. fig. 140). This shape
is typical of the sixth century; a few earlier vases are

Fig. 140. No. 816 and ff.

mentioned on p. 291. These are all much smaller
than the average middle or late Corinthian example,
and of a peculiar squat shape.

The scale-pattern group (see p. 63): c. 600 b.c. A.
Tongues on mouth and shoulder.

Naples 69 and 70 (Heydeman 297 and 302), from 816, 7
Nola. Lions, panthers, eagles, boar. British
Museum A 1434, 5. PI. 30,9. Bull, panther, lion, 818,9
bird, griffon. Delos (Dugas pi. 28, 353). Warriors. 820

A single design over the whole surface. Tongues on B.
mouth and shoulder—type, fig. 140 bis. Many of the
following are by the same hand; cf. also the craters
nos. 1155,6. In nos. 821-35, central motive flanked
by panthers.

Athens 970 (C.C. 484), from Tanagra. In centre, 821
siren. Athens 972 (C.C. 486), from Tanagra. As 822
last, but rougher. Berlin inv. 3040, from Siana 823
(A. Anz. 1885, 146). In centre, sphinx. Berlin inv. 824
2955, from Siana {op. cit., I. c. fig.). In centre,
Artemis with bow. British Museum 67. 5. 8. 890 825
(Stobart, The Glory that was Greece, pi. 27). In
centre, siren. British Museum A 1428. In centre, 826
floral as fig. 55d. Louvre (C.V.A. pi. 5,11-14). In 827
centre, floral (cf. fig. 57 a). Delos (Dugas pi. 26, 828
357). Hermes. Berlin 1090, from Nola (Roscher 1, 829
1762 fig.). In centre, griffon-bird. New York, 830
Hoppin Coll. (C.V.A. pi. 1,4) In centre, swan.
Oxford 1909. 1174) fr°m Siana. In centre, lotus 831
cross (cf. fig. 53A-b). Similar: Berlin 3041 and 3 832,2
(A. Anz. 1885, 146), and Athens 12722, from 833
Rhodes, but with lotus and palmette as fig. 55 d.
Taranto, from tomb 119. In centre, four palmettes. 834
Found with a Laconian cup (Rev. Arch. 1912, ii, 90)
which should date from the early sixth century.

which there is a replica in Berlin (inv. 3061), and the cup
no. 986.