Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Payne, Humfry
Necrocorinthia: a study of Corinthian art in the Archaic period — Oxford, 1931

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1186 griffon-birds. Louvre E 629, from Caere. PI. 34,
3-4, and figs. 25 e ; 62 e (Pottier pi. 46; Strena Helbi-
giana 152, fig. 4; Schaal, Bilderhefte iii, fig. 19;
photo Alinari 23672). Globular shape. R. 1. and p.;
h.p. gorgon; Boread. I, A, banquet (seep. 118). B,
cavalrymen. Under handles, griffon-birds; cocks and
u_ 1187 snake. II, lions, panthers, stags, goats. New York,
from Italy. PI. 33, 5 (Bull. 1928, 48 figs. 1, 2).
Outer r. zigzags. I, A, marriage of Paris and Helen.
B, cavalrymen. II, (A) animals (panthers, goats).
Inscriptions p. 163, no. 17. Probably by the same

1188 hand as the last. Hague, from Rhodes (A. Anz.
1922, 233 fig. 25). Frags, of two vases: (1) men and
women in procession. (2) man and woman in chariot.
Close to the last two. A very fine handle-plate in the
same collection with a freckled gorgoneion (fig. 25 d)

1189 probably belongs to one of these vases. Marseilles
(Vasseur pi. 5, 5). Fragment with wd/nen's heads.

a 1190 Style as before. Oxford 1912. 23. Part of draped

woman and name of Oineus (p. 164, no. 18).
1191 British Museum B 6oo12, from Naukratis (Walters

p. 268). Fig. 97. Part of banquet; man with
•• 1192 mastos (cf. nos. 999, 1000). Leipzig T 304 (Jahr-

buch 1896,178 no. 3). Frag.: women dancing. Fine

style, perhaps early Corinthian. Inscription p. 164,

1193 no. 19. Syracuse, from Gela (Mon. Ant. xvii, 253
fig. 191). Apparently part of a similar vase; same

1194 style. Palermo, from Selinus (Demeter Malo-
phoros). Frag.: Herakles and the hydra. Very fine

1195 style; cf. the next. New York 12. 2299. Pis. 33,6;

1 Note the chariot rail drawn as on the cups, no. 986 & ff., the very archaic faces of the women, and long-legged horses.
Contrast red-ground vases passim.

34, 7 (Bull. 1913, 155 fig. 9). Three friezes; frag-
mentary. 1, battle. 2, horsemen. 3, panthers, goats,
bird. Rays black and reserved. Late, contemporary
with the cups no. 986 and ff., to which the figures
of men and animals bear a marked resemblance (cf.
p. 102); probably by the same hand as no. 991.
Louvre E 638 bis (Mon. Piot xvi, pi. 14; photo 1196
Giraudon). R. 1. and p.; h.p. sphinx. I, A, fight for
the body of Troilos; the altar of Apollo indicated
below T.'s head. Inscriptions p. 164, no. 20. B,
cavalrymen. II, panthers and goats. Late.

There are fragments of similar style with a heroic
battle and many inscriptions in the Frohner collec-
tion, now in the Cabinet des Medailles.

With red slip:

Orvieto, Fai'na Coll. (Montelius Civ. Prim. pi. 246, 1197
2; photos Alinari 32754 and Armoni). Foot modern.
R. 1. and p.; h.p. female heads. I, A, departure
(of bridegroom?). B, cavalrymen. II, panthers,
goats. Certainly earlier than other red-ground

With patterns only:

Thera (cf. A.M. 1903, 203, 2 fig. 55). Black, with 1198
occasional fine red bands. Bari, from Noicattaro H99
tomb 4 (Gervasio 111, fig. 56). Red Slip. Found
with bronze relief mentioned on p. 225. Black; on
shoulder, tongues; round the centre, lotus and
palmette chains (cf. fig. 62 d). Late middle or late