Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Payne, Humfry
Necrocorinthia: a study of Corinthian art in the Archaic period — Oxford, 1931

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Eagles 76
Elongation 29, 48
Eriphyle, see Amphiaraos
Etruscan art 51 n. 8, 138, 141, 153,

180 n. 2, 187 & ff., 206 & ff., 244

n. 5, 294, 3°i
Etymokleidas, kouros of 238
Eurytios vase, the 100-3, I32> r53>


Exekias, 344-5

Faience vases 269-70, 276 n. 2,287,
293 n. 2

Fikellura vase from Corinth 184
Firing of vases 263
Floral patterns 8-9, 17, 144 &ff.
Foxes 74 n. 8

Francois vase 62, 64 n. 2, 73, 79,
87,115 n. 1,132 n. 1,155-6, 200,

Frog (bronze), from Corinth 158

'Ganyaridas', kouros of 238,245^1

—, gorgoneion from 251
—, local (?) vase from 205
—, Cretan vase from 7 n. 4
Geometric vases (Argive) 4

— (Attic) 1-2

— (Corinthian) 1 & ff.

— (from Magna Graecia) 4 n. 2

— (Cretan) 5-6
Gems 131
Geryon 130

Gigantomachy 113 n. 3, 136 n. 3,

Goats 70
Goat-bird 91

Gold, leaf from Corinth 158
■—bands from Corinth 222
—bracelet from Corinth 230
—craters 210

—plaques from Corinth 222
—Zeus at Olympia, 351

See also Cypselid bowl
Golgoi, sarcophagus from 133
Gorgons 79 & ff., 133, 179-80,

218 n. 2, 241-2,254 n. 5, 310-11
Gorgon-siren 91

Griffons 90, 231 n. 3, 271 n. 1,

Griffon-birds 90
Gulls 76

Halae, acroteria from 239, 262
—, sima from 262
Halimedes 140
Halios geron 131

Hares, 74 n. 8
Hector 135-6
Hedgehogs 74 n.8
Helen 135
Helmets 116, 284
Hephaestus 142

Herakles 78, 126 & ff., 134, 230-1

—, Shield of 86, 131

Hermes 129-30, 134, 143, 328 (no.

Hetairai 118
Himera 24

Hittite art 12 n. 2, 54, 67, 90 n. 5
Horses 70 & ff., 72, 90
Hunting scenes 116 n. 9
Hydra 126-8

Hydriai 153, 212 & ff.; see also
contents of Catalogue, 267

Incision 7
Inlay-work 95

Inscriptions 38,158 & ff., 181, 223,

238, 250, 258, 300 n. 2.
Iole 101

Ionia, relations with Corinth, xi-xii,

Ionian (and Rhodian) vases, &c.
20,49, 88-9, 90,144,147-8, 150,
155 n. 1, 176 & ff. passim, 205,
231, 233, 271 n. 1, 282 (s.v. 326
b), 286 n. 2, 294 n. 1, 296-7, 299,
301, 311 n. 2, 312-13, 332 n. 2,
334 n. 4, 335. See also Ivories

Ionian lions, 244 n. 2 & n. 5

— imitations of Corinthian 181 &

Iphiklos 133
Ismene, see Tydeus
Ivories xiv, 49, 79, 88, 128, 134,
138 n. 2, 172-3

Kelermes, mirror from 231
Kilns 117 n. 2
Kleanthes 93, 142, 349
Kleomenes, vase with name of, 180
Knossos, Attic vases from 1 n.i
—, Cretan vases from 5-6

See also Cretan art
Kolchos 131 n. 1, 132 n. 2
Kordax 118 & ff.
Kyknos, 131

Laconian bronzes 216

— Gorgon 254 n. 5

— terracottas 233

— vases 123, 128, 137, 184, 204,

308, 330 n. 1
Leather lekythoi 291 n. 1

Lions 30, 67 & ff., 90,170 & ff., 177
— (stone & bronze) 243 & ff.
Lion-bird 90
Lion-siren 91
Lioness (bronze) 244
Lizards 74 n. 8
Lutraki, lions from, 243
Lydian vases 301
Lydos 328

Lyseas, stele of 99 n. 1, 112

Macmillan aryballos, see on pi. 1, 7

in Notes on Illustrations
Medusa, see Gorgons
Megakles, pinax of, 103 n. 1
Megarian bowls, 349
Melampos 134

Melian vases 78 n. 4, 88, 153, 284

n. 4, 293 n. 2
Milonidas no
Minotaur 133
Monkeys 77 n.

Mycenae, sculpture from 233

Naukratis 25, 187
—, vases of 184, 186
Nearchos 73 n. 4, 74 n. 3
Necrocorinthia, 348-51
Nessos 133

Nessos vase, the 87, 100, 157, 347

Octopus 76
Odysseus 137-40
Oikopheles 322
Oineus 130

Oinochoai 2-3, 32, 213 &ff.; see

also contents of Catalogue, 267
Olympia, acroteria from 261-2
—, Argive - Corinthian bronzes

from, see Argive-Corinthian

—, bronze corselet from 97-8
—, — relief from 230-1
—, — bowl from 271 n. 1
—, Hera of 235
—, Heraeum (revetments) 249
—, kouros from 238, 245 n. 1
—, lion from 244 n. 5
—, Megarian treasury 259 & ff.
—, pictures at, 349
—, Simas 262

Outline-drawing 7, 10-11, 14, 61,

Owl-vases 13 n. 4, 173-5

Panthers 70, 90
Panther-birds 30, 90
Paris, judgement of 134