Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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A very light tint of the first mixture, with more cobalt added, is now to he passed over the greyer
parts of the warm colour, and the blue must be deepened with the cobalt and indigo. It will be seen
that there is a warm tone on the dark mountains. This should have resulted from the blending of the
first tints, by one running into the other while wet: hut if the warmth is not sufficient, the first tint may
be slightly passed over it again. The line of trees on the low land must now he washed in with yellow
ochre, light red, and a little cobalt; also the rocky projection at the right. The shadows of the stem of
the tree are of cohalt and light red, and when dry are to be deepened; use the same, only with more of
light red; this tint is also to be employed for the dark stones. Gamboge and a little brown pink will
give the colour for the foliage; after this, wash a tint of yellow ochre and light red for the colour of the
stem, and, when dry, introduce the shadows and markings on the dark mountains with the cohalt and
indigo, and then another wash of the same (more cobalt) on the second tints of the water.
It is recommended to do this drawing twice over, with a view of gaining manipulative dexterity; and
having done so, to lay aside the copy and endeavour to reproduce it from memory. This is by far the
best way to obtain a practical knowledge of colour, as it will enable the amateur to apply it to his own