Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Guardroom of palace, 2

Haa-ab-ra, cartouche of, 14

Hathor, gold head of, II, 12

Hathor head kilt, 9

Hawk on early and late sculpture, 5

Hawks on vase, 16

Heads of foreigners, 16-18

Hebrew type of head, 17

Heliopolis, scene at lake of, 10

Hez mace, standard of Memphis, 10

Hezt festival, 9

Hezt place, 10

High priest of Memphis, 15

Hippopotamus, the destroyer, 9

Iberian head, 17

Ibex feet to palanquin, 10

Ibis, bronze, 12

Infant-dress, terra-cotta, 16

Inscriptions, 18-21

Investiture of Crown-prince, 8-10

apparatus for, 8
Ivory carvings, 12

Jackal " opener of the ways," 9

Ka-na.me left blank, 8

Karduchi, 17

Karian head, 17

Kha-em-uas, inscription of, 15, 20

Khabbash, sling bullet of, 11, 16

Kker-heb, 9

Kherp-aha, 9

Kitchen of palace, 2

Kurd type of head, 17

Labyrinth plaque, 15
Lapis-lazuli, 18, 20
Lead dishes, Roman, 12
Lead drain-head, 2
Letopolis, standard of, 9, 18
Lintels of stone, 2, 4, 18
Lion-god shrine, 13
Lion of pottery, foreign, 15
Lotus capital, 13

Mackay, Mr., 1
Mandara of palace, 2, 3
columns of, 4
Mausolos type, 17
Merenptah, lintel of, 14, 18-19

temple of, 15
Metelite nome, relic of Osiris, 10
Mongolian type, 17
Moret, Dr., on Sed festival, 8
Mould with king in chariot, 16
Mykenaean pottery, 15

Neb signs and k, 21
Nebunnef high-priest, 16
Nefer-Tum-hotep, figure of, 14
Negro heads, colossal, 14
Nekheb, goddess, 9, 10, 11
Nekht-neb-ef, 13
Nelumbium capital, 14
Nut, goddess, 10

Osiris relic in Metelite nome, 10
Ostrich feather on standard, 9

Palace-mound, position, 1
depth of, 1
Palace, survey of, I

walls of, 1

brickwork, 4

stonework, 2, 4

(see various parts)
Palanquin, royal, fitting of, 11
Palanquins with royal children, 9, 10
Palm trees at Heliopolis, 10
Patriarch of Alexandria, consecration of, 10
Pe-dy-asar, 12, 18
Pentacle, 16
Pepy I cylinder, 15
Persian scale armour, n, 13

seal, 12
Pet signs, used at investiture, 9
Phoenician mould, 16
Piankhy, investiture of, 11
Ptah, 18, 19

Ptah-Sokar type, female, 16
Pupui, high-priest, 15
Pylon, sculptured, date, 5

drawing of, 5