Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Grave 8. Body closely contracted in a square
case made of matting. Three cylinders and big jar
west of case, one cylinder to south.

Grave 9. Wood coffin remains with mat lining.
Wood "j thick, cross bars below.

Grave 16. Copper bowl (vii, 14) at south end
of grave behind stacks of pottery. Twenty-eight
cylinder jars. Square slate at S.W. corner, (xxix, 4).

Grave 20. Large and well made, mud plastered,
with flat ledge around. Remains of wood coffin, and
wooden dagger lying on ledge at east (i, 1 ; xi, 20).
Bull's horn on ledge at west. On several jars the
fore-part or hind-part of a zebra, exquisitely drawn in
ink, see iii, 6, in which these drawings are enlarged

Grave 27. The scarab case (iii, 4 ; xiv, 19) was
found loose in the coffin ; the pottery was outside
the coffin at the north end. No trace of body.

Grave 37. Bit of a thin adze (iv, 12) outside
coffin at north end. Bones of calf and birds outside
at south end. Pottery along west side.

Grave 39. An adult, head S. face E, and a child
before it, head S. face W., both contracted. A copper
rod near the south end, calf's leg-bones at N.E.

Grave 42. See pi. xxiii. Brick-lined, bricks
9x4x3. Mud-plastered; lined with matting
while soft; beam 6 inches thick, from end to end,
to support roofing. Large jars at south, in rope-nets,
full of scented fat. Lid of coffin thrown off on west.
Bones of calf on west. A few small green beads.
Skull and vertebrae loose outside coffin. Two
alabaster dishes, not in register.

Grave 43. A beam from end to end of grave, for
roofing. Ends broken out of coffin.

Grave 197. Rare jars 95 mp, one on each side of
head, four cylinder jars full of ashes, at head end, one
at feet. Malachite under the arms.

Grave 260. Limestone dish 17 k, alabaster vase
71 v, slate xxix, 7, all in front of body in coffin.
Pottery outside coffin at S.W., 59/ at N.E., 60 d
at S.E.

Grave 261. This is an important dated grave
(see xxi) having the name of king KA of dynasty o
on one of the jars (i, 6; xxxi, 67). An alabaster
vase, 70 d, has traces of an erased inscription on it
which might possibly be of the same king. A few
beads (xiv, S1) were found loose. There was no trace
of body or coffin. The grave 315, classed under 77,
appears also to bear the name of KA on a jar; and
though the pottery would make 77 a rather more

likely date, yet it is quite possible that it is really of
78 as grave 261.

Grave 412. This was a fine grave containing the
name Tahuti-mer (xxxi, 71), shown in two views
(xxi), one from each end. The views are placed side
by side, with some jars marked A,B,C, so that the
connection of the views can be traced. The pit is
cut in gravel, mud-plastered, 125 x 61 inches, and
the wall 60 inches deep; around it is a flat ledge
32 inches below the ground, 16 wide on W., 18 on N.,
22 on E., and 21 on S. There were parts of the
thighs and the pelvis still in position, without any
trace of coffin, scarcely sufficient to indicate the
direction of the body. An adze (v, 29; vi, 15) and a
copper bowl (vii, 15) were found to the N.E. of the
place of the body. As the grave was close to 414 it
was doubtless of the age of king Nar-mer-tha.

Grave 414. This grave was one of the largest,
and the most important historically as it contained
the large jar of king Nar-mer (xxxi, 68), and the
sealings with his name and the variant Nar-mer-tha
(ii, 1-4). The view of the confused pile of pottery
is given in xxi. The pit was cut in the gravel, brick-
lined and mud-plastered ; bricks laid as stretchers,
roughly; the plaster mixed with a little straw.
Pit 140 x 66\, depth of wall 71, the ledge around
it 19 on N., 21 E., \7\ S., 24 W. See the grave 415
under S.D. 80.

Grave 901 had a square basket of reed for a
coffin : well dated by pottery 48 s and 49 d, and there
was also 60 d. Head N. and face E.

Grave 1023. The ivory spoon (xii, 6 ; xiii, 1-6),
model copper tools (v, 16-24), and broken alabaster
vases, were all loose in the earth filling, as left by the
plunderers. Twenty cylinder jars about the S. end,
with a row of larger jars along the S.

18. Sequence Date 79. Grave 3. Roofing
poles complete, see xxiii. Coffin 32 x 25 head N.,
face E. Female, in clothing. Lid not fitting coffin,
but made of two boards tied together, 40 inches
long. A piece of old house-timber (ix, 4) was used
in making the coffin, 3 pots, 60 b, outside coffin on N.,
and one on S. This does not define the date between
77 and 81.

Grave 54. A well-preserved bedstead stood in
the grave, with the contracted body lying across it,
the hips and shins upon one side-pole, and the feet
out beyond the bed. There was no trace of disturb-
ance of the body, which was quite intact with the
knees drawn high up and the hands before the face
Probably the body had been bundled in cloth, which