Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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. . . and waited (??)x —(15) as a monument for his
father Ptah in excellent eternal work in white stone
of Ain. Its beauty was as the horizon of heaven ; all
its doors were of cedar of the Terraces, of the choicest
of Gau, (16) wrought with gold from the desert,
refined gold, and all kinds of precious stones. (Its)
halls and (its) gateways were of . . . ; a great . . .
of everlasting work as a rampart (17) of fortification.
Its lake was dug, and planted with trees, and made
radiant with every kind of precious wood of the
choicest of the Divine Land. Its vessel-stands [were
of] silver and gold . . . and all manner of hard

(18) Now when these constructions had been
completed in beauteous fashion, his Majesty instituted
new divine offerings consisting of daily oblations to
his father Ptah South-of-his-Wall and to the gods of
[this] House ; (19) they being supplied with food for
ever. And he appointed w^-priests and prophets of
the children of the magnates of Inbu,2 and appointed
fields and cattle, field-labourers and herdsmen [from
the] (20) spoils of his Majesty which he had brought
back from every land. All the offices of this temple
his Majesty filled right well, and it was his Majesty
who performed it (thus) worthily and lovingly (??).
(21) . . . And his Majesty caused this House to
contribute provisions (?) to the House of Ptah in all
its statutes even as the Houses of the Kings of Upper
and Lower Egypt which are beside his father Amon
in the Southern City; it being controlled by every
steward of the King (22) ... its bread for ever.

Now behold, I appointed property by written

deed out of my fields, my serfs and my cattle on

behalf of the statue of Nib-mu-re whose name is

. . (23) which his Majesty [had made] for his father

Ptah in this sanctuary. Specification of the same:—

Fields, 2io| acres.

In the Northern Province, fields 220 acres, of
what had been given to me by the favours of
the King.

Total, fields, [430I] acres,
[in addition to ... ] (24) ... 10 . . . 1000 egg-
laying geese, 1000 pigs, 1000 young (?) pigs. His
Majesty praised me on account of it, inasmuch as
I appeared excellent in his heart. I attained a
venerable age in the favour of the King, and I
delivered up (my) bodily frame (?)s to the sarco-

1 I have attempted to render this difficult sentence literally, but do
not understand the sense,

2 Yet another name for Memphis.
5 Lit. "wood."

phagus after a lengthy old age; I became united
with my tomb [in the Necropolis . . .]. (25) My
[respect] was with the courtiers, my love with all
men, and my favour was established in the Palace.

His Majesty gave to me divine offerings of that
which had gone up before his processional statue in
his House " United with Ptah" [which he made in
(26) his cultivated land west of] Het-ke-Ptah. When
moreover the god has sated himself with his posses-
sions and this statue (also) has received its meals
then provisions shall be caused to go up before this
humble servant by the hand of the lector who is in
his house, and the w^-priest of the hour shall make
offering . . . (27) . . . [according to the] ritual in the
course of every day. List thereof: — bit-cakes
(amount used in cooking 30), 20 cakes; h'i-cakes
(amount used in cooking 40), 30 cakes; &#-cakes
(amount used in cooking 100), 100 cakes; persen-
cakes (amount used in cooking 30), 20 cakes ; persen-
cakes (amount used in cooking 40), 30 cakes ; total,
various kinds of offering-bread, 200. Beer (28),
(amount used in brewing 30), 10 jars ; lard (?) 2
jars (?); one fore-leg of every bull that is delivered
in (29) this House ; wine, 1 hin ; milk, one pail; cakes
(30) of white bread, 2 ; ordinary geese, %i; vegetables,
6 bundles ; . . . 3.

(31) (Thus) say I:—Listen, ye w?$-priests, lectors
and prophets of " United with Ptah," and every
steward of the King (32) who shall exist hereafter in
Inbu. His Majesty has given to you * (33) bread
and beer, meat and cakes, and all manner of goodly
things to nourish you in (34) his House " United with
Amon " in the course of every day. Do not covet
(35) my provisions which my own (?) god decreed for
me so as to do me (36) honour2 at my tomb. I have
not made mention of more than my own belongings
I have not demanded aught (37) over and above;
forasmuch as I appointed property by written deed
for this statue of the King which is in (38) this House
in exchange for his giving to me divine offerings of
the offerings that come in and go up (39) before his
processional statue after the ritual-sacrifice has been
made, so as to establish my provisions (40) for future
generations yet to come. For I was a man (41) just
upon earth, of whom his god knew that he would

1 As it stands, the text can orly be translated, "His Majesty has
given to m* and to you," though even here there is a grammatical
difficulty. The argument is, however, evidently as follows : You h»ve
been already provided for by the King; therefore do not covet my

2 Lit. " to pour water for me " the expreision must be understood
in a wider sense.
