Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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it was lowered head-up down the narrow shaft.
Wooden head-rest. A few blue barrel beads. Name
of deceased, Neb-em-nesut.

6i3. Tomb of Nen-na (pi. i). Rectangular chamber
in the hill-side, with entrance from south-east,
forming a chapel. In west wall a niche containing
the ebony figure of Nen-na, inscribed on the
pedestal. The statue was held into the niche by
a bar of wood. Under the niche, statuette of a
woman fanning a log fire. Almost touching this
to the south, lying against the wall, body on a
mat, head north, face east, left side, slightly con-
tracted, loosely swathed. Also on the chapel floor
were fragments of wooden coffin and coarse IXth
dynasty sherds. In north end of chapel, two shafts,
with chambers to east and west respectively, both
robbed. The square-shafted tombs surrounding the
chapel were all plundered. Rectangular shafts were
also found, some plain graves, others with loculi.
These contained walking sticks, winnowing-spoons,
and a few green glaze beads. Coffins painted white
and yellow. One shaft was larger, with chamber
on north.

These details of tombs are all taken from Mr.
Neilson’s notes.

29. A cemetery of considerable extent (N, pl.xci),
dated to the IXth—Xth dynasties by the character
of the objects, lay between the Mohammedan
cemetery, ‘Welys’ pi. lxxxv, near the pumping
station and our camp to the south. The graves
had not been reoccupied, but had been plundered
out so thoroughly that it was not practicable to
excavate the site completely. No grave calls for
detailed comment; a comparison of all the points
recorded enables us to reconstruct the burials, to
a great extent.

The graves were cut in very loose sandy gravel,
to a depth varying from 3o to i3o inches. It was
difficult to measure them; the size was about
35X95 inches, with smaller ones of 24X80. As a
rule no chamber was attempted. In 998 the western
side of the pit had been hollowed out; the roof had
collapsed, and the chamber had been reconstructed
with brick walls on the east, north and south, and
a brick roof. The only other example was 1001,
with a narrow loculus on west, walled up with
brick. The size of the bricks was i3I/2X 6l/2x 2I/2
inches and i2X6X2:/2 inches respectively.

In nearly all instances, scraps of the coffins
were found. There were sometimes remains of two
(1002, 1024). The inner one was painted yellow

outside and white inside. One was quite rough.
Pinkish plaster was used, to fill up hollows and
angles (1018). The sizes varied from 15 to 21X70
to 78X14 to 23 inches. The wood was from J/2
to 1 xj2 inches thick with mitre joints, probably
concealed. The inner coffins were often, but not
always, inscribed on the inside in hieratic. Examples
of the texts are given on pi. xxi, 20, 21. In no
instance was any sign of burning visible.

In very few cases could the position of the bodies
be determined. Enough remained to show it was
head north, extended, with hands down at sides
or over pelvis, knees straight. The face was always
east where seen, even in two instances where the
body lay on its right side (1021, 1025). The bodies
were more often on the left side, but once supine
(1001) and once prone (1020). Abnormal positions
are no doubt due to the robbing in early times.
In 1021, the burial of a man, the natural beard
was still to be seen: the woman in xooi wore plaits.
Wrappings could be occasionally traced, and a
bead or two; blue or green glaze cylinders with one
pendant showed that the well-known big collars
had been placed on the bodies.

One fragment of a white plaster mask (1025) had
the eyes, brows, moustache and beard painted black
in the usual way. Head-rests remained in 999, 1006,
ioi3 and 1018; one of these is shown in pi. xxi, 19.
The deceased also had his sticks (1009 and 1012)
and wooden sandals, edge painted white (1029).
The only scrap of jewellery remaining was found
in 1008. It consisted of a copper disk, of about
two inches diameter, with two loops at the back
for suspension. The front was inlaid with carnelian,
and black and blue glaze, forming alternating
segments of two concentric circles. Each circle
contained 9 segments. The centre was plain copper.

Only scraps were found of the model boats and
servants so characteristic of the period. In 996,
1002, 1010, and 1017 there were shelves or niches
in the east side of the tomb from 40 to 60 inches
from the ground, which had been made to contain
them. In 1021, one boat was against the head of
the coffin, the other on the west with the two
servants carrying birds and baskets: at the foot
was the domestic scene. The granary, which was
not found, had been presumably on the east. In
1002 and 1004 only the model tools remained,
pi. xliii, 95, 96.

Of the offerings, calves’ bones were found in
1017, and bread(?) in 1018. For the pottery, which