Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Petrie, William M. Flinders; Brunton, Guy
Sedment (Band 2) — London, 1924

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2018. Shaft 182 inches deep, room on north.
Wooden head-rest; wooden kohl pot (sic); 1 ushabti
painted white and blue with black hieroglyphs.

2019. Shaft 23o inches deep, five rooms on north,
one west, one begun on south. No remains of coffins
or bodies. Scarab of Set-nekht (lviii, 44). Blue glaze
libation jar of Ramessu II (lxvi, 7). Parts of a second
blue glaze vase.

2020. Shaft 307 inches deep, room on north, with
two loculi, rooms on east and west, room on south
with two loculi, exactly similar to the north chamber.
No remains of burials except bones. Alabaster vase
(lxvi, 8), and parts of another. Large and small blue
glaze beads, one jasper seed-pod bead. Wooden
hair-pin carved. Reed kohl tube. Small clay animal
(donkey?). 67 ushabtis, 49 pottery, plain, inscribed

in black, 11 whitewashed inscribed in black, 7 yellow
painted wood, black inscriptions.

2023. Shaft 178 inches deep, chamber on north
and south. Glass eye from coffin. 7 ushabtis of
blue glaze, inscribed in black, 1 of white glaze
uninscribed, fragments of 17 others of blue glaze.

2025. Shaft 205 inches deep, three rooms on north,
one each east, west and south. Black coffin, with
yellow decorations. Fragments of glaze pectoral.
Long beads of blue and green glass. Arms and feet
of two wooden figures. Two lids of wooden canopic
jars, painted black. Three wooden jackals from
ushabti-boxes, and three jackal heads. i3 wooden
ushabtis, painted black, 35 similar, inscribed in
yellow, 8 yellow inscribed in black, 8 plain, r white-
washed, and 2 of pottery with black hieroglyphs.
