Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 6.1844

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"Young Ben he was a Nice Young Man."—Hood.

All great deeds have been achieved by young men. Punch—as literary Punch—is, with his Sixth Volume, only
three years old; yet what has he not accomplished? He hath taken the hearts of the nation captive! ile hath, by hb
downright singleness of purpose—by his invincible yearnings for all that was pure, and genial, and actively benevolent in
the spirit and institutions of the olden day— awakened throughout Great Britain a soul that is now wrestling with the
craft, and sordidness, and miserable egotism of the mere money-changers. Under the influence of Punch, Joun Bull,
like a wrinkled viper, will cast his skin, and—exultans in suis viribus—become Young Master England. Punch is only
another of the long line of illustrious youth who, at certain seasons, have been sent for the world's health and progress.
Look at Gargantua when he was only one day old ! Consider Master Betty when he numbered only eleven years!
Forget not Hercules in his cradle ! Ponder upon Clara Fisher at Drury Lane—Giulio Regondi at all the concert
rooms—and the Masters Collins, with their fiddles, at the Adelphi: Jack the Giant-Killer in times past-—and the Boy
Jones of the present generation! All these names bear witness to the power of youth: and it is youth, and youth alone,
that has given to Punch the sovereignty he now holds !

It has been remarked by the surpassing author of the brilliant Coningsby, that the world, although it dreams not
of the glory, is at the present time governed by the Hebrew mind! Punch can bear testimony to the fact. Once Punch
wanted money. Who lent it him at sixty per cent.?—a Jew. Who sued him on the bill?—a Jew! Who arrested him?
— a Jew! Who sold him up?—a Jew! These, however, are common events. The world, however, will be Htartied to
learn that Punch himself—witness his nose—is a Jew ! With this truth made manifest, truly, indeed, did the eloquent
and deep-thoughted author of Coningsby declare that the world was " governed by the Jewish mind." We shall publish
our next volume in Hebrew.


"Jack Sheppard is a Thief, but he never told a Lie."—Ainsworlh.
This is Punch's Sixth Volume. It has cost us much labour, but the labour we take pleasure in gives medicine
to annoyance. It is true we labour all the week, but how sweet is our repose on Sundays ! Then with village maids we
stray, where lo ! the gentle lark sings most musical, most melancholy. Then returning to home, sweet borne, with the
pearls upon our brow, we sit us down and tell strange anecdotes of the deaths of kings. 'Twas ever thus with us in
childhood's hour ; and, feeling that the hoy is the parent of the adult animal, thus shall we proceed. We have finished
our Sixth Volume. To-morrow to fresh meadows and clover new! In six months more we shall say of our volumes, in
the touching words of the poet, —"We are half-a-dozen and one."


" Wanted, a Large House, Handsomely Furnished, in one of the Squares."—Daily Advertisements.
Punch, having finished his Sixth Volume, calls upon the gratitude of the public to do something for him ; and, to
save all confusion, will state what he wants. Namely, a house in Portland Square, his own freehold, handsomely furnished ;
cellar stocked with wines ; an extensive library ; and a liberal yearly income for condescending to accept the present. Direct
to Punch's Office, Strand. N.B. There must be a back attic made for Punch's dear friend, George Jones.
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