Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 14.1848

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Narrow E cape (The), 191

National Conveyance, 7

Ne Puff Ultra (The), 220

Nelson Column Emeute (The), 110

New Maps for Old Ones, 138

New Menagerie (A), 205

Nobility at the Pyramids, 169

No Foreign Artists ! 264

Old and New Staff, 2-24

Old and New Toys, 76

Old Clo, 213

Old Hoads on New Shoulders, [21

Old Israel to Young Israel, 68

Ominous, 105

Omnibus Ingenuity, 253

On the new Forward Movement, 207

Oracles, 233

Ornithological Reverse of Fortune 101

Our Barr) -oux Tapestry, 33, 34, 35, &c.

Our Extraordinary Expresses, 98

Our Foreign Correspondents, 145, 21 0

Our Foreign Expresses, 151

Our Irish Prize Bull. 51

Our Legal Heroes, 73

Our National Defences, 132

Our Native Language in Danger of [n

vasion, 48
Our Parisian Court Circular, ISS
Our Plan for Fortifying London, 31
Our Prize Translation, 12
Oxford Doings and Oxford Duds. 21
Padhv Redivivus. 239
l'aid Bill (The), 54
Pantomime Distress, ->3
Panic in the Joke Market, 248
Panes and Penalties, 74
Parallel Points, l-;4
Par s, 166, 203, 253
Paris Deputations, 152
Paris In London, 223
Parliamentary Grammar, 84
Patentees of Government, loo
Patriotism at a Discount, 105
Paying the Piper, 87
Pearls from Punch's Album, 43
Perpetual Invasion, 106
Persecution of British Footmen, 131, 143
Persons Missing, 154

Petition from Peter Pindar the third,

Philanthropist (A), 159

Philosophical Stanzas, 4

Picture of a Home. 78

Playwrights and Plagiarists, 3

Pleasant Country (The), 12

Please Observe the Address, 15

Police Intelligence, "Dropping a Bill,"105

Political Aphis (The), 155

Political Barometer, 96

Political Brothers, 108

Political Laughing Chorus (The), 111

Porcupine with many Friends, 247

Portfolio (The), 206

Portraits of the French Deputies, 203

" Post" Donkeys, 65

Post Office Labours, 91

Potato Conspiracy, 265

Preserver of the Public Peace (The), 261

Punch at the Cirque, 128

Punch on Street Fighting, ISO"

Punch Rifles, 85

Punch's ;ourt Circular, 15

Punch's Maxims Moraliz d, 100 118, &C.

Punch's Milk Jug, 238

Punch's New Battery, 2

Punch's Parliament, 215

Punch's Political Economy, 229

Punch's Poems of Parliament, 61

Punch's Police, 173

Punch's Testimonial to Himself, 1

Punning and Punchslaughtcr, 192

Pure Patriotism, H4

Purveyors to the Queen, 3

Pride of the City, 72

Prince Hal and Prince Al 228

prince Louis-Napoleon, 105

Prize Problems, 84

Professors' Professions, 16

Progress of Art (The), 142

Prophetic Speech (or Lord John (A , 210

Qukkr File (A;, 62

Questions at the Examination of At-
torneys, 76

Questions for Anybody who chooses to
Answer them, 159

Questions for the Examination of Attor-
neys, 46, 71

Ragokd Rkvoli/tiov, 176

Return of the Absentees (The), 130

Reverse of Fortune, 71

Revolution in the Drama, 238

Reward of Merit, 135

Rival Monsters (The), 01

Robbery by a Gentleman of Fortune, 155

Romance of Advertising, 139

Romance of History, 99

Romance of Roast Ducks (A), 257

Royal Domestic Ecoocrny, 20

Royal Game of Goose, HO

Rules for Lord John, 98

Sai.t-Petrk Enthusiasm, 67

Satisfaction from Sir Robeit Inglis, 111

School for Princes, 238

School for Spouters (The), 258

Secrets of Theatres, 54

Sentiments of a Squire (The), 248

Serious Lecture on Broad Grins (A), 165

Shade of Jenkins, 68

Shakspeare an Alien, 246

Short Cut to Posterity, 208

Should Old Acquaintance be Forgot? 229

Shower of Newspapers, 225

" Silenci in the Gallery," 2

Sleeping Beauty (The), 250

Smoke, 236

Something New at Last, 159
Something of National Importance, 7
Something that beats Cock-Fighting. 22
Song for the Lumber-Troop, 25
Song of the Arrested One, 123
Song of the new Volume, 2
Song of the Sluggard, 240
Song of the Turkey (The), 9
Song of the Propagandist, 2 ,4
S.,ngs of the Rail, 24
Spanish Achilles (A), 74
Special, 159

Special Engiae (A), 111
SqueeieaUcs (The), 209

Railway Architecture, 219 | St. Helena the Second, 106

Railway Charges, 218
Railway Reports, llu
Rappell (The), 248
Rather Serious, lsQ
Rather Tin Bad, 62
Real Fraternity, 149
Real Invasion (A), 07
Reform 5 our Flag*, 101
Ref rm your Premier's Bil's 77
Reform your Sentry boxes, 66
Register I llegister ! 1 66
Rejected Jokes, 203
Republic of Letters .The), 136
Respectability in Ireland, 65

Respectability in Sausage-makers, 22 Swedish Nightingale (The), 197

St. James's Clock, 86
Steam Chickens, 82
Steps of the Seditionists (The) 257
Story without an End (The), 72
Strange Spell, 121

Strangest Metamorphosis (The). I27
Stupid Art. of Prophe8yi"ir, 154
Sudden Death of Mr. v\ hig, 86
Suggestive Titles, 119

Sunday Balls, 33 I Women's Charter (The), 249

Sunday at Exeter Hali, 37 Word with Louis Blanc (A), 140

Sunlight and Gaslight, 25 ' Workhouse Wine, 86

"Superior" Pony 1 A), 83 [ Worst Come at Last, 85

Survey of London, 84 Ykstkiidav ; a Tale, 237

Sweets of Sedition, 174
" Tahkn in, and Done for," 18
Talbot and Tuam, 67
Temple Earthquake (The), 12
Theatre Historique at Drury Lane (Le)

They should Reflect, feflt they won't, 257
They won't be Quiet, 195
Thick and Thin Advocacy, 2
Thing to make Light of (A>, 5
Three Births of France (The), y3
Time for Poaching (The), 36
To R. A.'s in General, 161
To Sovereigns in Difficulties, 129
To the Unemployed, 187
Trafalgar Square Revolution (The), 112
Transplanting French Theatres, 235
Travellers Tell Strange Tales. 129
Travels in London, 11. 19, 29, 35
Treasure Trove for Newspapers, 52
Tree of Liberty (The), 154
Tremendous Feat, 109
Tribune in Tribulation (The), 226
Trip to Paris in Search of Liberty (A), 184
Triumph at the Wrong End (A), 236
Trustee (The), 109
Two Mare's Nests, 259
Usk of Chloroform (The), 43
Vkrnon Gallery (The), 253
Voioe from the Weathercock (A , 54
Voice of Woman (The), 150
Wanted a President, 108
Wanted an Oculist, 254
War's Injudicious Alarms, 10
We beg to Apologise, 186
Weaker Sex in Alarming Strength, 25
Wear and Tear of Treaties (The , 65
Whack Row de Dow, 215
What can be Done with Irtland ! 121
What do they mean by it? 204
What will the French do with Algeria, 4 1
What's the Matter with Him, 224
Where does it all come Irom, 66
Whig Cabinet Picture*, 84
Whipping Well Merited (A), 116
Who Harbours Another Man's D 'g 9*
Who is dat Knocking at de Door ? 260
Who Shall Escape Whipping, 24
Window Breaking in London, 83
Window Tax (The), 87
Women the Best Judges (Thei, 245



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Doyle, Richard
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Toby <the Dog, Fiktive Gestalt>
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>
Nase <Motiv>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 14.1848, Index, S. 266