Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 19.1850

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The Sea Serpent Crossing the Atlantic, as seen from the Yacht " Toby "—Capt. Punch.

.Lord Brougham, as everybody knows from his lordship's own an-
nouncement of the fact, is about to proceed next April to America.
The illustrious peer is no doubt actuated in some degree by a feeling of
consideration towards the Great Exhibition of 1851, and withdraws
from all competition, saying to himself, " There will not be room for
both of us."

Perhaps he contemplates appearing in a new character, and goes to
America with the i"tp_ntinn nf reconciling: all the political self-variations
which he has exhi = * ' ed

"Statesman at last, zl. k\l I WA 311
edi cross the Atl e co ^Mf/^ lld
exciting quite as m =-JT bT*^ lY>
his lordship goes v ~
We may expect zr
extraordinary anin = ^
should be sorry, b; —

of his mouth, or the paragraph out of his inkstand, we may expect
something like the following to be going the round of the papers in
the course of next summer.

" the sea-serpent once again.

"One of the oddest fish that ever was encountered, has lately made
its appearance in the Atlantic ; aud though in some respects resembling
an inhabitant of the land, the odd fish in question, shows such a won-
drous power of self-adaptation to all circumstances, that it would be
impossible for it to seem anywhere out of its element. An inspection
of its coat proved it to combine all the various colours of the dolphin,
and though it showed a decided affinity to the Great Seal, still on closer
examination, the observer could not help exclaiming, 'Very like a
whale,' when the idea of the Great Seal suggested itself."

Such is the kind of article that may be looked for under the head
of Naval Intelligence when Lord Brougham is fairly off for America.

and Plumptre ? By what logic shall I attempt to persuade the Housa
of Commons that it is reasonable and right to vote the nation's money
for the purpose of training up priests to defeat the ends of good
government ? Aud with what possible face can I continue to advocate
the admission of Roman Catholics to take degrees at Oxford or
Cambridge ?

I am still winmg =~ I j'c"e Here—though, of course, your Holiness understands your own

in my power, and — o> Cj td ^ B in°- birsnmss Dest—I venture to ask whether it will be quite politic of you

your Holiness. e q- £ I I ° to condemn the Queen's Colleges, which are merely neutral insti-

Will your Hol e_ — O I ion tutions, whereas, you have all along allowed Roman Catholic youth to

to Sir Robert ;= r\ low ?° to the positively Protestant University of Dublin? I always thought

that you have cr=-2? ^_ Burly that Roman Catholicity never contradicted itself. Will your Holiness

if you sanction t e ■ ■ B N>s give a handle to the heretics ?

Colleges ? { ' fm I Whether Fathers ever differed from Bathers, and Councils from

Of course, Spo z L j to B t if Councils, is a moot point of history. But there can be no mistake

you erect Archb :z— Q = q I no aDOU-t contemporary inconsistency ; and, if this can be detected in your

knowing to what e f\ ¥ rn B ? in H°LINuss's system, it will be all up with it, your Holiness, as sure as

Heb Majesty's =~ I mg my name is Punch and yours is Mastai Perretti.

her subjects from = <o I see Your Holiness, I imagine I know what sort of influence your

how I am to answ e BBMBBHH^ Thurles Bishops desire to exert on education. They want to make

see, the behavior =_ JJT^ B ves things pleasant to orthodox taste—to cook the accounts of science and

above the laws, f : Q) c m arts PQi|0S°phy, an't please your Holiness. The sun comes out of this

of those gentleme: e_i£? V*. © > culinary—or Cullenary—process about two yards in diameter, I

_ Enactments, I I = £ £ Bime. think. If this is so, and Truth is the food of the mind, what reply

shall I make to those who, applying to stewed principles and hashed
facts, a well-known proverb, remark, that Heaven sends good meat, but
a personage from the antipodes to Heaven—saving your Holiness's
reverence—sends cooks ? Pray, your Holiness, advise your Holiness's
sincere well-wisher, ^B2HjS(Cfi?

mistaken identity.

Then if you c = « ~~ • ^ M0ST extraordinary instance of mistaken identity recently occurred

how am I to de e— O ^^^^^w ?&S' m Scotl-aild- A. Cambridge student, travelling through Glen Tilt,


i- o

accosted the Duke of That Ilk as a gentleman.

— o
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