Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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mingham. It is thence Tchernikoff sends us his finely toned
bells, and SamofFhis samovars, or copper tea-urns, into which
a piece of red-hot iron is thrust to make the water boil. We
also remark some charming loschlas or platina spoons inlaid
with gold.

The Emperor's goldsmith, Sasikoff, exhibits some splendid
pieces, from which we select for illustration a highly chased
tankard, representing an episode of Russian history.

Wurtemberg has not the monoply of paper-wood -, here is
some from a Mr. Idestant which may compete with its German

We may mention as curious products, before leaving this
group, sea-cat grease, dried sturgeon sinews, and photonapt-
hile, a mineral oil found near Bakou, on the Caspian sea,
where it springs up from the earth, and is even found floating
on the surface of the water.

The only chemical product worth noticing is albumine,
made by a company at Kasan with white of eggs, whilst they
use the yokes to make soaps and pommades. The cotton
trade is in a very backward state, but the striped silks, made
in imitation of the Persian, are very beautiful ; they are largely
sold at the Petersburg and Moscow Gostine'i Dvors. We also
like those light Caucasian tissues named Djidjimes, and those
shawls made of goat and camel-hahi The latter serves like-
wise to manufacture cloth, of which we see a specimen sent
by the Orenburg Cossacks living at a town with a most
unpronounceable name, Novovozdvijenska'i'a.

Here are embroideries from Tiflis, but what has become
of this charming Tarjok embroidered leather which was so
celebrated in our time ?