Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Arthur H.; British Museum <London> / Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities [Hrsg.]
A Catalogue of the sculptures of the Parthenon, in the British Museum — London, 1900

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17. Foreleg of a horse from below the knee to the hoof.
The direction is to the right.

Length, 1\ inches.

18. Youthful beardless head wearing a petasos and looking
to the right. The right side of the head is broken away.
Miohaelis engraved this head, pi. 11, slab xix., No. 48.
It no doubt belongs either to that horseman, or to one of
the two on the slab following (xx.), for which see Carrey's

Height, 7 inches.

19- Upper part of youthful male figure looking to the
right; behind, horse's head. The figure wore a chiton
with girdle, and a close-fitting helmet or leather cap.
Part of the shoulder of a second figure seems to be
visible on the right edge of the fragment. It is not
easy to find a place for this fragment among the horse-
men of the south side, though the pose seems to be that
of a figure riding. If a part of the chariot groups, it is
probable that the head is that of the charioteer of
slab xxvi.

Height, 1 foot 4 inches; Michaelis, pi. 11, slab, xxvi., No 64.

[20. gee No. 345, 4a.]

21- Fragment of elderly male figure, moving to the right;
from the hips to the beginning of the shoulder blades.
He wears a mantle closely wrapped about him, and
leaving the right arm bare. On the right of this fragment
is a joint. It probably belongs to a figure in the group
of old men and musicians, slabs xxxiv.-xxxvii. Michaelis
inserts it in slab xxxv. (No. 97 in his pi. 11), but his
drawing is incorrect and the fragment cannot be adjusted
there. The only possible place seems to be on the right
of slab xxxiv.

Height, 10 inches.
