Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Arthur H. [Editor]; British Museum <London> / Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities [Editor]
Catalogue of sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities (Band 3) — London, 1904

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is in bad condition. Broken off at the neck. On the top of
the head is a dowel hole for the attachment of a crowning
ornament.—Blacas Coll.

Parian marble. Height, 1 foot J inch. Grosco*Roman Guide, II.,
No. 158.

1524. Terminal bust of Zeus Ammon. The hair is brought
in thick masses towards the temples, whence the ram's
horns spring.—Temple Bequest.

Greek marble. Height, 1 foot 6 inches. Restored: tips of ram's
horns and part of lips. The tip of the nose is wanting. Grceco-
Eoman Guide, L, No. 99.

1525. Bust of Zeus Sarapis. Long hair falls over the fore-
head and down each side of the face. The beard is
short and curly. The pupils of the eyes are in relief.
The head is surmounted by a modius, encircled with
branches of olive. Apart from the modius, the type of
Zeus Sarapis may be distinguished from that of Zeus
by the more mild expression of the countenance, and
by the treatment of the hair, which, instead of growing
erect, like the mane of a lion, falls over the forehead
in clustering masses, as in the example here described.—
Towneley Coll.

Parian marble. Height, 1 foot inches. Restored: the lower
part of the neck and the shoulders. " When it was found, 1775,
the face was stained of a deep red colour, but the first owners
of this marble" [Francesco Cavaceppi, the sculptor] "did their
utmost to remove this curious tint. ... A strong shade of it,
however, is still very visible " (Toicn. MS.). For the use of
vermilion, for colouring the face of Jupiter, cf, Pliny (iY. H.,
XXXIII., 7, 36). Mus. Marbles, X., pi. 2 ; Ellis, Town. Gall.,
I., p. 311 ; Grwco-Roman Guide, I., No. 131; Overbeck, Griech.
Kunstmythologie, EL, p. 308, No. 2.

1526. (Fig- 2.) Bust of Zeus Sarapis, draped about the