Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Arthur H. [Editor]; British Museum <London> / Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities [Editor]
Catalogue of sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities (Band 3) — London, 1904

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were separately attached), and part of the right hind leg ;
also the head and arms of Europa (separately attached)
and her feet. Europa has worn a girdle of metal.

Inscribed, on the neck of the bull, nilMIA (?).

It has been suggested (by A. S. Murray) that this may
be a copy, made for the Cretans, of a bronze by Pythagoras
of Ehegium, at Tarentum. On one of the archaic metopes
from Selinus, the sea is represented, as here, by a pair of
dolphins beneath the bull (Gardner, Handbook, p. 146).
Perhaps 2nd cent. e.g.—Found at Hagious-delca, Gortyna,
Crete, in the ruins of the Roman Theatre.

Greek marble. Height, 6 feet. Restored : part of the drapery, and
of the body and hind hoofs of the bull. Brought to England
by H.M.S. Scourge, 1861. Spratt, Travels in Crete, II., p. 30;
Arch. Anzeiger, 1862, p. 311*; Thenon, Rev. Arch. N.S., XVIII.
(1868), p. 130 (ascribed to 2nd century b.C.); Jahn, Entfiihrung
von Europa, p. 12, pi. 4a ; Overbeck, Griech. Kunstmythologie,
II., p. 457 ; Murray, I., p. 248 ; Reinach, Repertoire de la
Statuaire, II., p. 417, fig. 2.


1536. Head of Hera. Ideal head, to the front. The hair is

brought from the centre to each ear, and tied in a knot at

the back. Tresses fall on the neck. She wears a coronet

(or stepliane), the upper edge of which is slightly

embattled.—From Home, 1774. Towneley Coll.

Parian marble. Height, L foot 8 inches. Restored : nose, middle of
upper lip, lobe of right ear, bust and hanging tresses. Mus.
Marbles, XI., pi. 1 ; Ellis, Toun. Gall., I., p. 315; Gmco-Roman
Guide, I., No. Ill; Mansell, No. 1153.

1537. Head of Hera. Small head, wearing a high stephane.
The hair is brought from each side to a mass at the back.
—Presented by Thos. Hollis, Esq., 1757.

Parian marble. Height, 3 inches. Face mended, but original.
Synopsis (1808), p. 106, No. 53 ; Ellis, Town. Gall., I., p. 315.