Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Arthur H. [Hrsg.]; British Museum <London> / Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities (Band 3) — London, 1904

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tunic, and a mantle round the legs and over the left
shoulder. A female figure stands beside him, draped in
a long tunic and mantle. The right leg is crossed over
the left; the left hand rests on the left thigh, and the
right arm, now wanting, is bent up from the elbow. The
head, attached by a dowel, is now wanting. Late Greek
w ork.—My t ilene.

Parian marble. Height, 11J inches; width, 1 foot h inch. Obtained
by C. T. Newton, 1855.

2153. Part of a votive relief, with three divine figures. In
the middle is a figure, probably Zeus, seated to the left,
with a sceptre in the right hand, and a rnantle over his
knees. On the right is a figure, probably female, who
stands behind the chair, half turned to the front, and
having the right hand raised: on the left is a figure of
Athene (?) standing to the front. Each wears a long
chiton and himation. The surface is much worn. A
pilaster remains on the right, and above is an architrave.
5th—fth cent. b.c.—Athens (J). Elgin Coll.

Pentelic mavble. Height, 1 foot 4 inches ; width, 1 foot 4 inches ;
Synopsis, No. 383 (108); Ellis, Elgin Marbles, II., p. 128; Mus.
Marbles, IX., pi. 37, fig. 3.

2154. Eelief, perhaps votive, with Dionysos receiving a
libation. The central group consists of Dionysos and
a Maenad. The god is bearded, and wears a long sleeved
tunic and a mantle, which is wrapped about him. He
carries a thyrsus in the left hand, and holds out a two-
handled cup to the Maenad, who pours into it from a
jug. She wears a long tunic, with a diploidion girt at
the waist, and a small scarf over her shoulders. She
carries a thyrsus on her left shoulder. Immediately
behind the Maenad, a large crater stands on the ground.
At the two extremities are nude Satyrs, standing out-
wards, but each turning inwards, with one hand extended,
and with the other hand carrying a thyrsus.

vol. iii. q